The Past Reacts With The Future In Funny Ways

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"So, like this?" Frank asked as the Doctor guided his hand to a button attached to a spring on the control panel.

The Doctor was showing Frank loosely how to to steer the tardis. He stood behind Frank, pressing himself against the human as he spoke the instructions in his ear and guided Frank's hands where they needed to go.

"Hit it." The Doctor nodded, pulling his hand back just slightly.

Frank nodded, sticking his tongue out and slamming his hand into the button. Thanks to the spring, his hand quickly shot back, almost hitting him in the face. The Doctor's hand blocked that from happening, however, making Frank laugh in relief.

The Doctor stepped back as the tardis began to make its usual noise. Frank looked up with accomplishment, watching different devices move and multiple lights change color.

"So, where did I set us to go?" Frank asked, turning to the Doctor with a grin.

"That's the fun of it." The Doctor winked.

Frank rolled his eyes, "You have no idea, do you?"

"I never said that."

"You implied it."

"Oh, stop it, Frankie." The Doctor gave him a look of irritation before it quickly fell into a grin.

Frank laughed, turning back to the control panel. He marveled at the moving parts of the ship and the multiple flashing colors. It really was astonishing... Frank could understand the Doctor's love for it. He was about to spin back to face the Doctor, when the ship lurched.

Both Frank and the Doctor were sent flying forward into the railing around the main panel. Frank was barely able to maintain his footing and grab the railing as he crashed into it. The Doctor, however, wasn't so lucky. He stumbled and crashed into the pole, hitting his head with a loud 'clanging' sound.

"Doctor!" Frank cried out. He reached out and grabbed the Doctor's arm before he could fall off the platform. "Doctor!"

Frank held tightly to both the railing and the Doctor. He felt panicked as the tardis continued to whirl with motion through space. Frank felt he had broken it or something. Maybe he had done something wrong? Maybe he had hit a button when he was really just supposed to flick it?

All these thoughts flew through Frank's head before the tardis halted, leveling out with a thud and causing Frank to loose his grip on the bar. He cried out as he fell back with a thud. He quickly scrambled up and crawled over to the Doctor.

"Doctor, hey!" Frank looked frantically over the Doctor's unconscious face, reaching out to tap his cheek. "Oh dear lord, Doctor! Wake up!"

Frank sat up, biting his lip. The Doctor was still breathing, at least. The time lord's chest was rising and falling at an even rate, calming Frank's nerves somewhat.

"I've just gotta get help..." Frank muttered to himself as he moved the Doctor's hair back, "Maybe we landed somewhere with help..." Frank jumped to his feet before pausing for an instance. "Don't move... Please be alright."

With that, Frank hurried down the stairs to the tardis doors. He pulled them open, but jumped back with a yell at what was right outside the door.

Two boys jumped back at Frank's exclamation. Both were about the same height; one had a mohawk pink hair on top of his head with brown sides, while the other boy had a mixture of pinks and purples in his wild hair. Both boys seemed normal enough, besides their hair, minus one thing.

The boy with the mohawk had a small, pink cat like creature on his shoulders. Cat like, but it was weird. It's tail went from skinny to fat, with smaller strands with yellow balls attached to it at the end. It's ears were also much larger than any cat Frank had seen before.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now