Breaking The Wall & Poorly Timed References

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((A/N~ I've had a few comments of confusion regarding the place these past few chapters have talked about/is based on. If you want to watch the episode with The Flood, look for 'The Waters Of Mars' Doctor Who special :) during the 10th doctor's run! Hope that's helpful! Creature above is what the look like))

The three followed after Breezy as she lead them down the various halls of the martian base. They didn't really pause until they were outside of the greenhouse.

"You've got a nice jungle going on in there." The Doctor commented, looking through a small porthole window.

"Yes, sir." Breezy nodded, "Most maintenance is done electronically, but we also have water tight suits just in case there is a mechanical error."

"What about that bacteria?" The Doctor asked, turning back to Breezy as Dallon and Frank peered through the window at the luscious greenery on the other side. "The one you're using to fight off the virus?"

"It's been in place since we landed, sir."

"You're sure it's effective?"

"It's worked so far, sir."

The Doctor nodded, looking back out at the greenery. It reminded him so much of the first base. As much as he tried to move past it, the thought lingered in the back of his mind.

He instead watched the three humans converse about the plant life, amongst other things. The things humans, as well as any other intelligent life forms, could become so animated about always amused the Doctor. It may have been one of the reasons why he loved humanity so much; the small things that showed off how much life was held behind their eyes...

"Are any of you hungry?" Breezy asked, tucking some hair behind her ear. "I mean, it is getting around that time."

Dallon nodded. "I could eat."

"I can always eat." Frank replied, eagerly.

"Doctor?" Breezy asked, turning to the time lord.

The Doctor smiled with a nod. "I could really go for some yah-gert."

Frank tilted his head at the Doctor in confusion. "I'm sorry, Doctor, say it again?" He asked.

"Yah-gert." The Doctor said again. The word came off in an accent for some reason.

"Yoghurt." Frank said, still eyeing the Doctor.

"Yah-gert." The Doctor repeated once again, not seeming to notice his sudden accent change.

"Yoghurt!" Frank exclaimed, "Why are you saying it so weird?!"

The Doctor let out a frustrated noise, throwing his arms in the air. "I was British, very British, in a past life! Not even that long ago! I can't help it! I still miss it so that may be a contribution."

Breezy and Dallon both looked between the two with slight confusion as they stared each other down. The Doctor shrugged, turning to Breezy.

"As long as I don't have to eat pears. I've not been too fond of pears in the past. It always changes though, so who knows, maybe I'll try a pear."

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