The Doctor Doctoring?

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"It's a bite, Andy, I'm gunna be fine." Joe insisted, pushing Andy's fumbling hands away from his bloodied torso.

"A bite!? Joe, you know that doesn't equal fine!" Andy exclaimed with panic and fear evident in his tone, "It may take longer, but you could get iced like Frank, or become one of those-those..."

Joe just shot a lopsided grin at the freaking out boy. "Then we won't let it get that far, hu?" He asked in a soothing tone. He reached up and brushed his fingertips against Andy's jaw, making him stiffen and nod. Joe turned to the Doctor, raising an eyebrow at his position on Frank. "Sir?"

"He was okay." The Doctor said, trying to take everything in as well as process it at the same time. "You're here, where's Patrick?"

Joe's grin faultered. The grip on the beanie in his hand tightened as he shook his head. "Kid ganked the son of a bitch." Joe's smile that followed was a bittersweet one. It told the Doctor all he needed to know.

"I'm so sorry..." The time lord whispered, "I never meant for that to happen..."

Joe shrugged with a wince at the movement. "Every hunt is a chance for death... The kid just got distracted..."

"Is there still a chance?.." Andy asked in a soft voice. Joe's silence gave him the confirmation that there wasn't.

However, before any other questions could be asked, another screech echoed through the air.

"They're coming." Joe groaned, pushing himself up and using Andy for support. "They ambushed us. It's how they got Patrick." He turned to the Doctor, "You and your boyfriend need to get back to that blue box thing of yours."

"Oh-oh, he's not-ho-how will we when those things are out there?" The Doctor stampered over his words due to Joe's statement.

More noises echoed through the air and against the walls of the metal room they were in. Andy looked fearful, while Joe's expression was harder to read.

"You'll be on your way through the back door while I distract them." Joe said plainly.

"You'll distract them, my ass!" Andy exclaimed, looking at Joe as if he was insane. "You're already wounded, going back out there is a death sentence."

"So is waiting in here." Joe argued as another screech echoed around them, "At least they can make it out." He added, pointing to the Doctor and his unconscious companion.

The Doctor shook his head. "I could save you, you don't have to die here." He insisted, "If we can get everyone to my ship..."

Joe shook his head as he leaned against Andy. "I'm going to die where my friends died, or nowhere at all." He said, firmly.

The fear on Andy's face had shifted to determination. "I'll stand by you." He told Joe.

"You saved him." The Doctor said as he climbed off of Frank, "Please let me save you."

Joe and Andy exchanged looks. "I've been dealing with this hell long enough anyway." Joe finally smirked, "Maybe it'll get better when we meet up with our friends on the other side."

Andy nodded, "Patrick did owe me five bucks from that time money was still important."

The Doctor frowned at the two of them. "My blue box, it's a time machine! I can take you away!"

"Where's there to go without the guys we grew up with?" Joe asked the Doctor. He patted Andy's shoulder and gave him a smile. "You said you'll stand by me? Show them the way and we'll go out together."

Andy nodded, making sure Joe was leaning against the wall before hurrying across the room. The Doctor looked at him sadly with the shake of his head.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now