Quote The Time Lord

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Frank pulled his hoodie over his head, with a sigh of relief. The Doctor wasn't landing the tardis for a bit, meaning that Frank could have some time to think over everything that had been happening. It all seemed to go so fast. He was almost eaten by a tentacle monster, they saved a martians life, and then they landed on a past (well, for Dallon it was past) martian base and helped create a family? How had this all happened in such a short period of time?

Frank pushed his fingers through his hair. This felt like something that came off the SciFi channel or something... This couldn't of all been possible.

What the hell would his day of been like if he hadn't of gone with the Doctor?

Well, for one, he'd be calling a repair man for his bathtub. How he would explain that, he had absolutely no idea... Anything was more plausible than saying and alien landed his ship there...

For two, he'd probably call in sick from work to try and think up a better excuse for his bathtub being smashed than "raccoons". He couldn't just blame raccoons... They didn't even have raccoons where he lived, why was raccoons his go to?

Frank shook his head. He was getting off topic. The Doctor seemed to be wearing off on him. Frank didn't mind, however. The Doctor was just so... Exciting compared to what Frank knew. His ordinary life was nothing like the constant pace of the Doctor's.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Frank wondered out loud, looking around his room. Frank didn't view himself as anything special but, for some reason, the Doctor saw more in him...

Frank yawned, falling back on his bed. He hadn't really gotten a full session of sleep over his trip with the Doctor, and he was starting to feel the effects. He tugged at the strings of his hoodie, drawing it tight around his face. He yawned one last time before closing his eyes and letting sleep overtake him.


The Doctor stretched as he rose from his own bed with a yawn. He popped out of bed and quickly changed into his usual suit before stepping out into one of the many halls in the tardis. He admired the architecture fondly. He was so glad the tardis hadn't decided to regenerate with him; he always considered this style to be one of his favorites.

He wandered down to the control room of the tardis, sliding down the railing of the steps. He wandered around the control panel once before stopping by the small screen and swiping to the side.

"Just drifting through space." He sighed, watching the coordinates change just slightly as his ship drifted. "Nothing too exciting... Wonder if Frankie's up. He's exciting." The Doctor grinned to himself, "Maybe he'll have an idea of where to go."

The Doctor spun on his heels to hurry back up the steps to the direction he knew Frank's room was. As he went, he noticed the library door open. He peaked inside, not seeing Frank.

"Hello?" The Doctor hollered into the room, looking around curiously. He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out his sonic screwdriver. He held it out into the room and slid the button on to light up the tip of the sonic device.

He frowned as it came through as no living thing inside. He stepped back and shut the library door. "Always shut the door, Frankie. Never know what could be running around in here..."

The Doctor continued on to Frank's room, tapping lightly on the door when he finally made it. "Frankie? You up?" At the lack of response, the Doctor pushed open the door.

Frank was on laying on his stomach, snoring lightly. The Doctor smiled fondly at him. He turned to leave the room when he noticed a small pile of books on one of the shelves along the wall of the room. The Doctor quietly walked across the room to peak at the books on the shelf.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now