Blurred Familiarity

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The Doctor was playing with strands of Frank's hair when Kobra came for him the next morning. Frank had yet to wake up from the pill Jack had given him, while Jack and Ianto had fallen asleep in the beanbag chair they had been resting in during the night. No one seemed phased by the knocking at the door. The Doctor untangled his fingers from Frank's hair, making the motion to leave, but paused.

All night, their kiss in the car and Kobra's watch had been all the Doctor could think about. The most prominent of the two, however, was the kiss. It was such a sudden thing, but that didn't mean it wasn't enjoyable. There had been a certain build up, and the Doctor was pleased for it to have actually happened...

The Doctor turned back to Frank. His sleeping face was void of emotion, but his lips were parted just slightly. The Doctor sucked in a quick breath of air before leaning in and pressing his lips against Frank's. It was just a quick peck, but the Doctor definitely felt something as he pulled away.

"I'm coming!" He called out, trying to be soft enough as to not wake any of the sleeping figures in the room. He stood quickly and hurried across the dusty floor. He opened the door to see Kobra pushing up the visor of his helmet. "Good morning!" The Doctor smiled.

Kobra nodded in response. "Let's get going before Dracs send out their own patrols."

The Doctor nodded, stepping out of the room and closing the door. Kobra began walking towards the garage down the road, prompting the Doctor to hurry after him. The sky was dark, but the stars were unvisible past occasional thin clouds and a soon to be rising sun.

"So! How are we going about this?" The Doctor asked, finally catching up and keeping pace with Kobra.

"We're going out in the rust bucket Ghosted Disturbance drove in yesterday, seeing as it can still speed quite nicely." He smirked under his helmet, "Then, we'll scope out where your ship was left to see if we can easily get it back."

The Doctor nodded. "Right-o! Sounds good..." He bit his lip, thinking about the time piece he had seen from Kobra's pocket. "Do you have the time by any chance?"

"Five thirty." Kobra replied without missing a beat. The Doctor frowned that he knew it off the top of his head. The perception filter was doing it's job if it was really what the Doctor thought it was.

When they made it to the garage's side door, Kobra knocked on it loudly. He stood back, pulling of his helmet as he waited beside the Doctor. Another minute passed before Kobra stepped forward knocked harder on the door. A muffled response could be heard on the other side before it was pulled open.

A disgruntled, messy haired Silent Strike blinked tiredly at the two. He was wearing a torn, white shirt and unbuttoned pants. "Oh, right, that was this morning. Hello, sir." He stood a bit straighter, rubbing his eye before giving Kobra a salute.

"Got the car ready?" Kobra asked.

Silent nodded. "Right through here. Just be careful of Ghost and Angel." He gestured for the Doctor and Kobra to step inside and follow him. They walked through the mazes of shelves in the room to get to the other side. Along the way, the Doctor noticed a nook in between some of the shelves where blankets came out into the narrow walk way. The time lord was able to catch a glimpse of Ghosted Disturbance and a girl with long teal hair. The girl was cuddled to Ghosted's right side, wrapped by his arm. Ghosted's left side was empty, looking as if someone had hastily rushed out of the sleeping arrangement, with his arm fully outstretched across the mattress.

"You taking the Drac car?" Silent asked, grabbing a key from the wall and fiddling with the door lock that lead to where the vehicles were kept.

"Yep." Kobra nodded.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now