"You Look Familiar, Mister."

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Frank Iero was laughing happily as his small, scruffy dog zipped around his feet. He reached out to grab her, but she was always too quick.

"Sweet Pea!" Frank giggled, plopping his butt down to the ground. "C'mere, you fuzzy mutt!" He was finally able to grab her, pulling her close and nuzzling against her. Her coat was wirey and ticklish against his cheek.

Frank laughed louder, falling back and beginning to rock from side to side as Sweet Pea wiggled in his grip. "Silly puppy!"


Frank tilted his head back to look at his mother, who was walking upon him with a smile. Frank grinned up at her. "Hi, mama."

She laughed, smiling down at him, "Hello, Frank. Can you do me a favor?"

Frank nodded, eagerly pushing himself up with one arm while holding Sweet Pea in his other. He looked up at his mother with wide, hazel eyes as she held out some money to him.

"Can you go down to Mr. Toro's corner store and get me some cheese for dinner on your scooter?" She asked.

"Are we having macaroni?" Frank asked with a grin, taking the money being passed to him.

She laughed, "Only if we get that cheese."

Frank nodded, releasing Sweet Pea and rising to his feet. "Yes, mama! I can do that right now!" He hurried past her, letting his small feet smack against the worn wood floors of their house. He needed to get his shoes, then his scooter to get to the store.

"Be careful, Frank." His mother called out as Frank was pulling his shoes onto his feet.

"Yes, Mama!" He called out, letting put a soft 'aha!' once his shoes were finally on tight. He tapped his toes together before pushing himself up. He then hurried to the backyard to grab his scooter.

He wheeled it along the couch as Sweet Pea began to trot along next to him. "No, Sweet Pea, stay home!" Frank told the small dog. She simply tilted her head as Frank pushed his scooter and himself through a small gap in the fence.

Frank then ran to the road and planted his foot on the scooter. He kicked off and began to travel down the street. Mr. Toro's store was just a short ride away; Frank had made the trip on his own several times.

He rounded the corner smoothly, passing by something that made him brake. He turned inquisitively to the large, blue box that he had never noticed on the street before.

"Hello! Do you like my box?" An accented voice asked.

Frank turned again to see a man with red hair, wearing a suit. He was smiling warmly at Frank, who was pursing his lips. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, mister." He replied after taking in the man's appearance.

"Well, everyone's a stranger until you get to know them." The man replied.

Frank paused. "Alright, fair enough..." He shrugged, twisting the handles of his scooter. "Who are you?"

"Well, I'm the Doctor." The man said. He held up his hand, pointing up slightly, as he reached into his suit pocket. "See?" He pulled out a small booklet, whipped it open, and held it out to Frank.

"I'm Frank..." The boy scooted forward with precaution. He squinted at the paper, which seemed blank at first. After a moment, however, a name and image appeared. Frank mouthed the words that appeared before looking back at the Doctor. "Gerard is a weird name for a scooter inspector."

"Oh, and Frank isn't a weird name for a little boy?" The Doctor asked, pulling the paper back and closing the case it was in.

"A family one." The boy replied with the roll of his eyes. He looked down at his scooter before looking back at the man, "Are you going to inspect my scooter?"

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now