Chapter Twenty Two

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I heard Zayn snoring gently into my stomach while his head rested on my pillow. I wanted to stay with him and listen to his comforting sleep but I didn’t want to wake him up with my sobbing, so I lifted his head gently and moved the pillow onto the bare sofa and laid his head down on it again and crept off into my mums old bedroom.

I hadn’t been in here since the day she moved out into Simon’s house. It smelt like her. There was a thin layer of dust on everything in here which was easily solved. What was I going to do with this room? It still had a few belongings of her’s that she didn’t take with her, and I suspected I was going to be getting a lot more of her old stuff from Simon soon.

It was a big and bright room which, after a bit of cleaning, could be turned into a gym, and office or another bedroom which could be rented out to people so I could finally pay Trevor the full rent. But did I really want someone invading my space? Did I want to have to share the boys? It was selfish but I didn’t. I loved the boys too much. They were my friends and I cared for them all dearly. I hadn’t even introduced Sarah and Leah to them, and they were usually the first on the scene if new people were involved.

I didn’t have to anything with the room just yet, so I pulled back the covers from the made up bed and shuffled down under the covers and just laid there smelling them. I pulled down some pillows and put one of her cardigans over it and placed my back against them, as though we were back to back in bed, sharing each others heat like we used to to when I was younger. 

The tears streamed down my face and my eye sight was blurry. The blinds where pulled down in the windows and the room was dark for 2 in the afternoon. I began to get a headache from all the crying and stress I’d had over the past few weeks and I slowly began to drift off to sleep letting all the worry slip away from me.


I woke up to some loud knocking coming from the front door, but I didn’t make any effort to answer it.

"Hello?" Zayn said in the distance.

"Hi, I’m Simon. Sophie’s mum’s boyfriend… Well, I was. Is Sophie in?" I heard Simon ask. He sounded tired and depressed.

"Yeah, I think so. I’ll check in the bedroom. You can come in if you like." 

"How has she been?" 

"Oh, yeah, she looked tired but we’ve sorted everything out between us. I think she’ll be OK." I heard Zayn reply. I’d left out what had happened to my mum when we were talking. I figured the boys would have let me him know seeing as they knew I didn’t want to talk to him myself.

"Oh, good. Errr." Simon sounded confused but he didn’t explain to Zayn what had really happened. 

"She’s not in there. Her phones not in there either so she may have gone out. I can call her if you like.

"Oh, no. Don’t worry. She’s obviously not in. Do you mind if I go take a look in there? I’ve got some of her mum’s stuff, I’m not too sure what to do with it."

Before I had a chance to move Simon opened the door, turned the light on and dropped a bag he was holding on the floor.

"Sophie?" He whispered. "Are you OK?" 

I nodded and shifted my weight to get out of the bed knocking the cardigan off the pillows.

"Soph?" Zayn asked shocked. "Who’s room is this?" He asked confused about what was happening.

"It was my mums before she moved into Simon’s house." I hugged Simon and left him alone in the room. I could hear him sobbing and Zayn’s face told me he had absolutely no clue as to what was happening.

"Sophie… What’s happened with your mum and Simon?" he asked.

"She, uh… She killed herself a couple of days ago. She had bipolar and I’m guessing she stopped taking her medication and she had an episode and locked Simon out of the house. He found her early yesterday morning." 

Zayn didn’t say anything, he just stood there looking shocked. He turned to face the door and took a step forward, but turned around after staring at the door for a while. 

"When were you going to tell me? The boys already knew, didn’t they? Is that why they were trying to keep me away from you, because they knew how upset you were?" He looked hurt, but he seemed to understand why the boys hadn’t told him. "Why didn’t you tell me?" He whispered as I took a few steps towards him.

"You were so upset about the story and the media. You looked tired and stressed and it wasn’t your problem to deal with." I said calmly trying to force the tears to stay in my eyes, but they fell none-the-less.

He wrapped me up tight in his arms and stroked my hair. “Sophie. I’m so sorry.” He whispered. 

I led him to the sofa and pulled the blanket over me and lent my head on his chest and spent a few minutes listening to him breathe and let his heart beat sooth me.

London: The City Of Love// Zayn Malik Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now