Chapter Two

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"Is this going to be a regular thing because I’m only on a student loan..!" I said jokily to the boys who were taking over my lounge.

Zayn looked up from his seat on the sofa. “Yeah, sorry. We’re so hungry and management wouldn’t let us eat until we’d finished the signings so we haven’t eaten for a few hours.” 

"It looks like you haven’t eaten for a few weeks! You tore my fridge and my secret chocolate stash up!" I laughed. 

Harry grabbed the TV remote and pointed at the screen putting Spongebob Squarepants on. So childish but I adored this program so I didn’t complain. I walked over to the fridge to see that there was very little left. Leaning on the counter I watched One Direction mingle on my sofa.

This was so surreal. They were all so handsome and lovely, but Zayn was something else. He had an elegance, poise that the other boys didn’t yet possess.

The phone began to ring on the wall next to me knocking me out of my thoughts. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh, well hello there. Have you only just got back from the library? You spend too much time there!" 

"Hi Sarah. I’ve had a wonderful day full of studying in the library for the exam you will also have to be taking next week if you have not forgotten. Thanks for asking babe!?" I replied sarcastically. 

"So thats a yes, you have only just got back from the library! You saddo!"

"Kind of.." 

"Oh! Have you met a man? Did you have a date? Did you have a bit of cheeky library sex?" Sarah said seductively getting more and more excited by the thought of my sex life.

"Uh, no. I worry about you sometimes. No. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you.."

"Tonight." Sarah said, breaking off my sentence. "It’s Leah’s birthday! Please tell me you didn’t forget!"

"Kinda." I replied guiltily shuffling my feet on the floor. I could feel five pairs of eyes burning a hole into the back of my head wanting to know what was being talked about on the phone.

"Well, be ready in 20 minutes. I’m coming over. OK. Don’t be late babe, Leah won’t be happy! Gotta go, tube’s going under. Love you!"

"Love you too babe. Bye!" I said as a hung up.

I looked up at the boys looking like excitable puppies. They’d made a mess of my apartment but I couldn’t be mad at them. They were just as cute as puppies. And as messy as it stands.

"Right, I’m going out tonight, so I expect three bars of chocolate in my secret stash by tomorrow morning and some coffee and edible food for my hangover!" I said prodding each other them in the stomach of back as I strolled past them into my bedroom. Before I closed my room I peeked out at them all still looking at me. "Goodbye boys, have a good night shopping for my food!" I said flashing them my politest smile before closing the door on them. 

I flopped onto my bed and giggled to myself before hauling myself up and walking into my bathroom. I turned the shower on and let the water heat up and began stripping off throwing my clothes into the dirty washing basket, glad to be rid of them and stepped into the shower, welcoming the warm droplets that kissed my skin.


As I looked in the mirror satisfied with how I looked I heard a soft click of the door lock.

"It’s just me Soph. Hope you’re ready!"

"Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute!" I replied. I grabbed my purse, phone and keys and shoved them into my little clutch which I would put in my locker at our favourite bar. Living in Notting Hill all my life had it’s perks, I’d grown up with people who became successful and rich around Chelsea and London. I stood up and examined my black dress in the mirror.

Plain and simple of Soph. Black heels, black dress, black coat. The only thing that made me stand out was my blonde hair and my green eyes. I wasn’t self conscious but I was no where near as confident as my friends. When people complimented me I never knew how to take it, but when someone mentioned my eyes, I knew they meant it. My eyes are my best feature. They’re large, luminous light green eyes. I got my eyes from my father, the one thing I was grateful to have off of him.

I walked over to the door and slammed it behind me.

"You ready babe?" I asked Sarah who was sitting on my sofa. The apartment looked like a bomb had hit it.

"When where you going to tell me…" Sarah sounded serious. What had I not told her? I told her everything. "THAT ONE DIRECTION WHERE YOUR NEW NEIGHBOURS!? OH MY GOD! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" she screamed. 

"You freak. Come on, lets go. We’re late. I said casually ushering her to the door. As I locked it behind me I heard wimpering. I looked over my sholder to see Sarah stroking the front door of 3A.

"Like I said, you freak!" I laughed lightly hitting her on the head to get her to move down the stairs. 

"BYE SOPHIEEEEEEEEE!" I heard the boys yell when we reached the second floor.

"BYE GUYS! DON’T FORGET MY CHOCOLATE!" I shouted back, grabbing the hem of Sarah’s dress before she scrambled back up the stairs.

London: The City Of Love// Zayn Malik Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now