Chapter Twenty Five

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 "HARRY! THE FIRE ALARM!! TURN IT OFF!" I cried, coughing from the smoke arising from my oven.

Harry grabbed a chair and pulled it under the fire alarm which was blaring on my ceiling.

"Oh, let me cook, I’m amazing!" I mimicked what Harry had said 20 minutes previously.

"Hey, I’m not the one who got impatient and turned the oven up to full!" He ran over and lauched him self onto me tickling me forcing me to fall onto the sofa.

"STOP IT HARRAH!!" I chocked before going into a fit of giggles again.

"Room Service…Uh, I can come back later if you want a bit more time together.." Louis said in an American accent causing me and Harry to jump in shock. "Let me guess, Harry cooked?" he added shooting a sympathetic look towards me.

"GUYS! I CAN COOK!" Harry shouted, getting annoyed. 

Louis ran over and jumped onto the sofa, on top of Harry and I and began tickling the both of us.

"Oh, Harry, you know I’m kidding." He said kissing Harry all over the face and ruffling his curls. "I wuv you Harry!" he said again, before getting off and putting the burnt food into the bin.

Harry got off the sofa and brushed himself off. 

"GAWD MUM!" He said in an over the top manor. "YOU’RE SO EMBAAAAAAARRASSING!" 

I was in stitches at the pair of them

"Right, come on. We’re going to have some lunch that is edible." Louis said, with his hand outstretched towards me which Harry took instead before skipping towards the door.

I made no effort to move, and as Harry left the apartment, Louis shut the door on him and came and sat on the sofa.

"How are you?" He asked suddenly all serious.

"I’m actually feeling the best I have in months." I smiled at him, not lying.

"Well, I have that effect on people, what can I say!" Louis replied smugly. 

I hit him a pillow and went into my bedroom and got changed into some thick tights and a nice purple dress with long sleeves to keep me warm.

"Come on Lou." I said standing over him with my hand outstretched towards him, "We’re going out, man!" 

"Noo, your sofa is soo comfortable!” He replied sarcastically. And with that he got up, took my hand and we left the apartment on the search for some food.

London: The City Of Love// Zayn Malik Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now