Chapter Three

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Sarah and I bounced out of the taxi and up to the bar arm in arm flashing the bouncer, Dan, a cheeky smile before he stepped to the side allowing us to enter the glamorous bar in Kensington called ‘Clouds’. Dan had been a good friend of mine ever since Sarah’s boyfriend, Karl, had opened his bar here. Sarah had convinced him to hire out the bar for Leah’s birthday and although at first he was reluctant to do it, he soon bowed to Sarah’s affectionate ways. Sarah and I knew Karl through Lara who took me,mum and some university friends here when it first opened on my 18th birthday last year. Me and mum were close, but we rarely talked now. It was a shame.

The music was loud and the bar was filling up. How did Leah know this many people this side of the country? She was from Manchester. 

Sarah dragged me to the bar where I placed my clutch on the counter and pushed it towards Jamie, the bartender on duty tonight. 

"Alright Jamie?" I asked him casually looking around for a familiar face.

"Just fine thanks babe. Nervous about your exam next week?" he asked looking genuinely worried about me. "You look tired and hungry. Not your best look, but you still manage to look sexy!" He added, grinning at me as I did an over the top twirl showing off my outfit.

"SOPH! YOU MADE IT! I thought you’d died in the library!" Leah said running up and launching herself on me, pushing me into a large man who smiled down at us. I untangled Leah from me and apologised to the man we’d knocked into.

"Leah, Happy 19th birthday sweetie." I said cheerfully, flashing her an excited smile.  "How much have you drunk? You can barely walk!" I said holding her up and placing her on a bar stool with the help of the man we’d knocked. 

"I’m John, Leah’s uncle." he said with his hand outstretched. I shook it politely. He was a broad man and reminded me of my father. I decided to stay as far away from him as I could. Before I knew it Sarah was bouncing up to us with shots and enough drinks to make the whole bar drunk.

"You got enough drinks there darling?" I joked as Sarah thrusted little shots into our hands, even giving one to John. We all did the shots and drank the drinks until they were all gone. 

I hadn’t eaten all day and the alcohol already swimming about in my head. I could barely stand let alone dance, but I followed the hand that was wrapped tightly around my wrist leading me onto the dance floor. I went with it for a bit until my head started to pound. The mysterious hand was moving all over my body. I move forward putting some space between me and the unknown man, but he put his hand on my waist and pulled me back. 

Squirming, I tried to break free and get away from the man but I couldn’t move. I lifted my foot up and launched my heel into the mans foot before jolting towards the bar and landing on the floor with a thud.

"Stupid bitch!" I heard the man call back to me as I briskly moved towards the bar where Sarah and Leah were both talking to several men.

"I’m going to head home babe, have an amazing evening and I’ll give you your present tomorrow." I whispered into Leah’s ear, squeezing Sarah’s arm, letting her know of my departure. Leah spun around on her stool. 

"OK BABYDOLL! I’LL SEE YOU TOMORROW!" she screamed at me, completely oblivious to the distance between us and the volume of her voice. I glanced at Jamie who was thoroughly enjoying watching a drunken Leah. 

"Bag?" he asked holding up my clutch. "It’s a rather small bag I have to say. How do you even fit anything inside it?" He added cheekily. I smiled at him and took my clutch before swiftly making an exit. Just as I reached the door I glanced back to see Sarah and Karl kissing and Leah and one of the men she was with kissing.

I wiped a tear away from my face and squeezed my way around Dan calling out goodbye without looking at him. My dad had left me not trusting men and not letting them get close enough to hurt me.

As I got into a nearby taxi I thought back to when my last boyfriend was. I hadn’t had a boyfriend or a date in such a long time. I hadn’t had a good night in such a long time. I’d been studying for the politics exam that Sarah, Leah and I would have next week. I’d been studying so hard for the past month, where as Sarah and Leah hadn’t even looked at their notes. I knew they would pass. They always did. They’re lives were so perfect.

Lost in my own thoughts, the taxi driver turned to me letting me know we’d arrived at the complex in Notting Hill. “That’s a fiver then please, m’love.” I handed over the money and attempted to exit the taxi gracefully. I looked over at Trevor’s office on the first floor. The lights where still on at 12am on a Saturday morning. Trevor was old, and the closest thing I’d ever had to a father. He’d often kept me and mum safe when my father had consumed vast amount of alcohol making him violent and abusive. I told Trevor everything. He was the only male in the world I trusted with my life.

"Alright Trev?" I said wincing at the brightness of his lights as I lent on the door frame separating the lobby of the complex and his office. He looked up and smiled, something was clearly up with money or something, but Trevor would never put his problems on my shoulders.

"You look like you had a rough night!" he said laughing at my obvious misfortune. "Once you get this exam out of the way, you’ll be fine." he assured me before I turned to walk towards the stairs.

"Trev, I really like my new neighbours." I said smiling to myself on how much I liked them already.

"I know you don’t like men, Soph, but I remembered how much you adored them a couple of years ago on the X Factor. And they such lovely men, I just couldn’t say no to them!" I looked back at him just in time to see his smile fade into a frown as he burrowed his thoughts back into his problems. I loved Trevor. He was the dad I wish I’d been blessed with.

Leaning on one of the large sofas that where placed in the middle of the lobby, I took my heels off which were killing my feet and welcomed the cool marble to my aching feet. It was at times like this when I wished this complex had a lift. I shifted myself over to the stairs, now I didn’t have the problem of books weighing me down, I had alcohol blurring my vision.

I took a deep breath and attempted to climb the stairs. I managed to get up the first five without slipping up but on the sixth I began to lose my balance.

I felt a warm hand glide around around my waist causing me to jump a little, however it wasn’t in the same way the man in the club had his hands all over me. It wasn’t lustful, it was caring. I lent my head back onto the chest of the man behind me helping me up the stairs.

"You really shouldn’t drink so much!" Zayn whispered quietly in my ear. Nibbling it lovingly whilst helping me climbing the stairs. When we reached the top I rummaged around my clutch looking for my key which obviously amused Zayn who was laughing.

"What?" I said nudging him in the ribs.

"How have you lost anything in that small bag? It’s tiny!" He replied still laughing.

When I found the key I slipped it into the my door and unlocked it. Zayn opened the door for me and slid his hand around me again, guiding me into my apartment.

Zayn laid me on the sofa and switched the lights on in the lounge. I let out a loud moan of disapproval to the bright lights but Zayn just laughed. Looking around at the mess they had made I noticed a small note lying on top of the empty chocolate wrapper.

Dear Sophie,

We knew about your love for chocolate - Trevor told us- so we knew to bring some chocolate to get in your good books. We hear you’ve been in this complex for almost as long as old Trevor. 

Sorry for ruining your house, we’ll get Liam to come and clean it for you tomorrow.

Tomorrow night if you’re free you’re officially invited to our apartment warming party! Hope to see you there. 

Have a good night out and don’t drink too much! 

Louis and the directioners

Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn xx

I liked my new neighbours. They were cheesy but adorable.

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