Chapter Eight

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I spent the rest of the weekend in my apartment revising for the exam that was fast approaching. The boys came in often with left over food and advice for the exam which was kind of them, especially since we were still only just getting to know each other, but I hadn’t seen Zayn all day. He hadn’t come in with any food and didn’t come in for a chat. Recapping what happened last night, I began to worry that I should have reacted differently.

I got up early on Monday and headed down to the library to get some extra revision before my 9am lecture. As I locked the front door I heard shoes lightly tapping the stairs slowly getting louder and louder. I turned around to see a dark quiff of hair appear followed by large chocolate eyes.

"Hey rock star, what are you doing out of bed at this ungodly hour?" I said flashing him a warm smile. 

He looked uncomfortable but decided to reply anyway. 

"Just needed to take a walk and get my head sorted out." he replied, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

He was slightly out of breath which made me smile. “Oh, OK. Well I hope it worked. Have a nice day!” I said quickly walking past him and down the stairs to avoid any awkward silence.

"You too, Soph." Zayn said quietly trying not to wake the boys up.

I liked Zayn, a lot. He was just so lovely and I cared about him which surprised me, but clearly the feelings I had for him were not mutual. It was to be expected, he was Zayn Malik from One Direction! I was just his neighbour.

"Rising Super Powers… Brazil, India, China. Economic grounds, large population and labour.." I whispered trying to get my head around a part the text book, skimming over the small writing, plucking out the relevant information. "America is the only Superpower in the world, but soon risks being overtaken or over thrown by the European Union, which has the largest single economy in the world, and by developing countries such as China, which has cheap Labour and a large export market to the world." 

My notes we slowly becoming more and more unreadable. Glancing at my watch I saw it was gone 9pm. I hadn’t eaten all day and my stomach gave out a loud growl making me suddenly aware of how hungry I was. I packed up all my notes and grabbed two extra text books to take home. I wasn’t in till Thursday when the exam was, so I could stay in the warmth of my apartment while I studied.

Outside, the temperature was still -3 degree’s and as I opened the door, I got a sudden shiver up my spine. I decided to head to Tesco’s to get some snack foods to last me the next few days. 

By the time I got to the tube station it was gone 10pm and all the creeps were out. The tube was pretty much empty but there was a dark figure at the end of the carriage I had just stepped into, I got as far away from it as possible and laid by bags down on the floor and rested my head against the cool pole.

"The Australian Government system is…." Everything I had done today had already left my mind. "Australian Government system is.. Parliamentarian.. No, wait, it’s Presidential." I shook my head in frustration, suddenly noticing that the dark figure was slowly making his way up the carriage, lowering his hood to reveal his face.

"Sophie, wasn’t it?" the man asked. "It’s John, Leah’s uncle.. We met the other night." he said extending his hand.

I shook it politely and nodded at him.

"Long day?" 

"You have no idea!" I replied. I’d been up since 5am and I was ready to get into bed and sleep for a week.

"It’ll all be over soon." He said a little while later. 

I looked at him. Who said that sort of thing?

"Sorry?" I asked him questioning exactly what he was saying.

"The exam. Leah and Sarah were talking about it the other night."

"Oh, yeah." I mumbled. He made me feel uncomfortable and I couldn’t wait for the next station so I could get off early. I’d walk the rest of the way if it meant I’d get away from him. 

As the the coach slowed down, I lent down to pick the 3 Tesco bags up, then lifted the 4 text books I had with me and took my bag and threw it over my shoulder, noticing that John was also getting ready to exit the train, walking over to the door that opened slowly after the train had stopped suddenly jolting me towards him.

"Aren’t you coming?" he asked, glancing at me.

"No, I was just getting ready. I’m the next stop. Have a nice night!" I replied turning my back on him. He reminded me of my dad. Large and muscular with an unwelcoming face. 

When I made it back to the entrance of the complex, I was shattered. I saw Trevor’s lights were on in his office but I was too tired to stand at his door and talk to him.

"Trevor, you got a minute?" I called out to him as I lent down to put all of my bags and books down on the sofa before slumping down next to them, resting my head on the back of it.

"What’s on your mind Soph?" Trevor asked, leaning on the arm rest of the sofa.

"All the Politics work that I need to stay there just won’t stay." I shouted. "This isn’t fair. I’ve been studying for so long for this test and nothing has stayed in my mind. Sarah and Leah have barely looked at their notes and they’re clubbing all night long! I’ve worked so hard and it’s all going to be for nothing!" I cried, not stopping the tears from falling down my face. Trevor was the only one who ever saw me this weak. 

"Sophie, Sophie." he said lovingly, "you just need a break from your revision and a decent night sleep. When was the last time you ate?"

"Lunch time." I lied. "That’s not what it is though, Trev. If I fail this exam, it’s more than half of this years grade." I pounded my fist into one of the cushions to my left. I was so fed up with university and politics. Trevor placed his hand on my shoulder offering me his support and smiled down at me.

"I’m always here if you want a chat, Soph. Don’t ever forget that! Now go to sleep. You look tired." He patted my back as I picked up all my things and began to climb the stairs.  "Goodnight Sophie!" He called as got to the top of the first flight.

"Night Trev!" I called back.

London: The City Of Love// Zayn Malik Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now