Chapter Forty One

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"Hey, I got a text from Harry telling me to go on this link." Zayn shouted from the bedroom. I came through with two bottles of water and placed them on the bedside table and sat on the bed next to where he was laying. 

"Go on there." I said as I nudged him. He looked nervous. "Don’t worry about it. The boys know what they’re doing!" I said trying to comfort him. It didn’t work but he clicked the link anyway.

After taking a minute to load, Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam all appeared on the screen behind a “Buffering” sign. I looked at Zayn who stared at the screen of his phone in confusion. 

"What is this? A press conference? Have they dropped me?" He said, starting to get worried. I placed my hand on his shoulder and told him not to worry as it began playing.

Harry began talking into a microphone but it wasn’t turned on, causing the audience to laugh and the boys to smile. They’d looked stiff before.

"Now that we’ve got this working.." Harry began, as the audience laughed some more. "We decided that we needed to do something about the whole Zayn story." He began. "There have been a lot of versions of the story that have been published all of which exclude important parts, and under the advice of our management, Zayn was told to lie to you all against his will…"

"So he did rape Emma?” Shouted a reporter.

"Is he out of the band for good?" One reporter shouted, causing Zayn to stiffen suddenly aware of what could be about to happen.

The boys on the screen all looked out at the sea of reporters and cameras with scowls on their faces.

Liam walked forward to the microphone and took it from Harry looking unimpressed.

"No, Zayn has not been kicked out of the band, and he will not be kicked out.

"You guys have got to stop jumping to conclusions, OK? Now for the remainder of what I have to say, pipe down and don’t say anything or you may miss something important.” Harry said scanning the crowd. “When we understood that Zayn had a drug problem last year, we all sat down as a band and discussed what was best for him. We decided that he needed to go to a rehabilitation centre and that one in London was too risky because we knew what the media was like.” He paused for a while letting the crowd know that he was talking about them. “He sent him to a centre in Conwall, which is where he met Emma. She was his nurse, you could call her, and took it upon herself to show him about Cornwall, and they began a relationship.”

"Which is against the protocol of the rehabilitation centre!!" Louis shouted suddenly.

"Yes, it was against protocol, but Emma took him to a little shed she owned, which was like a bedroom. There was everything you could possibly need to stimulated every sense you have and Emma supplied him with drugs, where they got high in the shed. Emma caused Zayn to relapse and she knew what she was doing. Emma was also in charge of the medication Zayn received, and although this cannot be proved, we believe she may have given him the wrong medication or slipped him something because when he was discharged he was suffering from serious withdrawal symptoms… To her." 

The crowd began to mutter. This was a side they hadn’t heard before.

"She phoned Zayn a few months later telling him that she had got a job in another rehabilitation centre in London and that she wanted to meet up with him so he could show her around London, like she did to him in Cornwall. Of course Zayn did this and they began a relationship together. After a few weeks she had managed to convince Zayn to quit the band and he was ready to marry her. Everything we tried to say to her, she twisted and it began to tear the band apart. But Zayn walked in on her cheating on him and he came back and lived with us for a month or two. He ended it with her as soon as he found out about the other man and she took it all very gracefully. A few weeks before we moved to Notting Hill, Zayn received a phone call from Emma saying it was urgent. So Zayn went to meet her and found out that she was pregnant. He told her that he was always going to be there for her if the baby was his and that he would support her no matter what she did. At our complex in Notting Hill, we met a wonderful person, who without her, we doubt we would have gotten through everything… Yes, it is the complex that the media ruined the other day!" 

Once again the media began to mumbled uncomfortably, aware of the damage they caused. The boys all scowled at the audience in front of them.

"Zayn was snapped out with her and when Emma saw the photo she ran straight to the media where she told a mixture of lies and half of a story. Of course the media, being the media published everything with out even consulting Zayn or our management whilst we were on our publicity tour. Now we know you are just doing your job, but what you published was lies and slander. Zayn got so much abuse that half way through out publicity tour we had to cancel because the minute Zayn saw someone looking at him, he’d have a break down. The media terrorised him and abused him so much, turned fans against him. So, with the advice of our management, none of us or Zayn could talk to the media and Zayn was told not to tell his side of the story which is why you have all been lead to believe that Zayn raped her, or left her after he found out she was pregnant." 

Harry sighed and looked at the boys for encouragement. Louis stepped forward and took the microphone.

"What you don’t realise it that when you published the story, it hurt not only Zayn, but several other people. It almost tore us apart. His own mother didn’t believe him because you were so set on Emma’s story. So, without the knowledge of our management, we have set up this media conference to make sure you publish the right story this time. The previous story you published was made up of lies and slander and twisted, manipulated crap. All of which will be taken up in court along with the rehabilitation centre from Cornwall and with Emma, herself."

"Where is Zayn now? Why isn’t he doing this?" One reporter shouted.

"Whats going to happen to the band now?" Anoher yelled.

"Zayn, is currently in an unknown location on a holiday that we forced him to go on with our friend from the complex in Notting Hill…" Louis said.

"Are they an item?" A male reporter shouted.

"Well, that really is none of your business. We have told them both to take as long as they like, so there is nothing we can say to you about that. When he gets back and Emma has had the baby, we will have DNA tests and if the baby is Zayn’s he will take full responsibility for it. As for the band? We’re all still together, we’re paying for and helping our landlord repair all the damage that you caused. However our management has changed. We met with some unknown producers recently and we have decided that after the bad and money hunting advice Zayn and the band received from our management, that we no longer want a contract with them, and we shall be taken on by new producers."

Louis handed the microphone to Liam “We have nothing more to say on the matter, so please leave us and Zayn to the privacy of our own lives.”

Liam handed the microphone to Niall who simply said “See you in court bitches!”

And the video cut off.

I looked at Zayn who had tears rolling down his face. I cupped his face and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. 

"Those boys…" He began to choke out. 

"They love you Zayn! I told you they knew what they were doing!" I giggled at him. "You’re going to be just fine!" I said as the door knocked. "I’ll go and get it." I whispered into his ear before I rolled out of bed.

I was so proud of the boys for what they did for Zayn.

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