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After being on the plane for 3 hours, a terrible storm formed all the way around us we began to feel the minor turbulence, I got a little nervous when the oxygen bags fell down, the stewardess came over and just said it was just a minor problem, and not to worry but after the lightning struck the plane twice, the Co-pilot came out and told everyone on the plane that all the electronic devices were damaged and so was the emergency radio. The navigational unit was also fried as of now we were flying blind and they had no idea which way we were going.

The plane was really shaking now, I got so nervous that I unknowingly grabbed Criss's hand and squeezed really tight, he looked over at me, and gave me a half-ass securing smile to me, & squeezed my hand back. When I looked at him, I couldn't believe there was absolutely no fear in Criss at all he was still the crazy S.O.B. I remembered in high school. But I also seen a kindness in him, that he never had in school maybe it came with age or it was because, maybe he knew we were gonna crash, and decided to be nice to me for once before we all died.

Suddenly there was a loud exploding sound! Criss and Klay looked out the window & seen, the right wing engine was on fire!! the turbulance was now shaking the entire plane!! The other girls were screaming, I even heard C-Top screaming, I was to scared to scream.

Nell was so scared she ran into the bathroom, and threw up when she came back out, she was almost in a panic, saying we were going to crash and die!! Dallon grabbed her beens they were seating partners, and held her real tight trying to calm her none of us could believe that Sandy & Pete was sleeping through all of it!!

Nancy and Annie was too stoned to give a shit what was happening. Abby and Zoey decided to quickly join them, so when we crashed, they wouldn't care or feel it. Criss just laughed to himself about their weakness. Mark and Mickey was so pumped on the awesome adrenaline rush, from the danger, they were just going nuts running back n forth down the aisle until Klay realized how scared us girls were, and told them to sit down and shut up!!

Mark obeyed immediately, but Kostmayer was more of a badass as well as Klay, and they always used to push eithers buttons in school but Kostmayer always backed off though when Criss came in the game. Kostmayer wasn't afraid of Criss, but he always respected Criss, and he knew Criss would totally kick his ass, if he continued to push his blood brothers buttons.

As everyone was arguing, screaming, and crying the plane suddenly stalled, and shut completely down we were going down in a freefall.

This was it!! We were going to die now!....I jumped out of my seat wanting to run out of the exit door, but Criss seen I was hysterical and he jumped after me, and grabbed me, and pulled me close to him, kissed me, and told me to calm down that he was going to protect me. I snapped out of hysteria, for that was the nicest thing Crisstpoher Sarantakos, ever said to me.

Then everything went black, the plane crashed into the ocean, and the pilot and co-pilot, were dead on impact when I woke up, I was floating in the water with Criss holding me. I tried to move, but he quickly told me not to I took another look at him, and seen his head was split open on his left side with blood gushing out. I put my hand over his wound to slow the bleeding then asked where everyone else was he just shook his head no to me.

I started to tremble as tears rolled down my face thinking all our friends were gone he held me closer, and told me it would be ok, and not to cry. Criss gave a comforting smile, when he pointed land to me & it wasn't to far from where we were, getting to it was getting harder and more dangerous by the minute for we had a group of sharks swarming around us. I started to let out a scream, but Criss covered my mouth, and told me to just relax and slowly swim toward the land.

Meanwhile some of the other survivors, were making the same journey to the same land mass, but just further down from where Criss and I were heading. Nell was being pulled by Dall and Breny, she was out like a light, from the crash. Sully and Klay were leading the way...Kostmayer was carrying Mark, for he was hurt real bad, Nancy and Ann were absolute giggle boxes finding everything funny from being high. Abby and Zoey were just tired. C-Top was too busy checking out the water he was deathly afraid of sharks and jellyfish but they all made it to the land mass safe n sound after 2 hrs of long swimming, and floating in between breaks. Sandy was still asleep while being pulled by Sully. Shelly was in the back bitching at everything she could think of.

Back to where Criss and I was at the sharks were circling closer to us as the land was getting closer I panicked when one of the sharks bumped him, but he stayed perfectly calm and relaxed. I seen Criss close his eyes, I asked him if he was ok, without looking at me he said yes and to stay absolutely still, he picked me up out of the water bridal style, then he slowly began to rise out of the ocean!! I tensed up, he just told me to relax for he needed all of his concentration, because he never tried levitating with someone in his arms before, he lifted all the way out of the water, then moved slowly towards the land. Right when he was over sand he couldn't concentrate any longer for his head injury, and we both dropped to the sand, with him unconscious.

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