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Criss woke up first this morning by hearing a knock on the door, he got up in his underwear and walked to the door, and opened it. Criss's mom was standing there with a little shocked expression on her face seeing him answer the door like that. Criss just grinned at is mom, and told her to come in and that its not like she hadn't seen his ass before, that she used to clean it, wipe it, spank it occasionally, and put diapers on it all the time.

Dimitra just laughed and said yes, but Crisstopher I thought you were too old for parading around in your underpants, especially when answering the door. He smiled and said in his defense, he just got outta bed. Then he asked her what she was doing in Vegas, beens she had made it clear, that she didn't want to be around his girl.

Dimitra walked up to Criss, and gave him a big hug, and apologized to him for being, so rude back at the house and that she wanted to take me out for an early lunch, and have a little female bonding time to see if she could get to know me and learn to like me. Criss gave his mom a grin from ear to ear, and said he'd go and get me. he came in the room, and kissed my neck, and asked me to get dressed, for his mom was out in the living area, waiting for me to have a girls day of bonding. I looked at him very insecurely, and told him I wasn't sure if that was a good idea but he picked me up out of bed, and turned the shower on, and washed me up then dressed me, that gave me the hint, that I was going whether I wanted to or not. Criss walked with me out to the living area and kissed my neck, and told us lovely ladies to have a great time. I gave an insecure smile, and followed her out the door.

Dimitra started out by apologizing for believing me to be wrong for her Crisstopher, until she got to know me. I accepted her apology, as we went to a small bistro down the street from the Luxor. We both ordered ice tea with a lemon wedge, and a ceasar salad. I told her all about myself, and that I was in Criss's class in high school, then I talked to her about how being stranded on the island, is what brought him and I together and that if we hadn't have been stranded alone for that time he would have never dated me for he really hated me in school. I told her even then I still had a crush on him even though he was so mean to me.

Dimitra, told me why she judged, me at first was because of all his other girlfriend's used him and abused his love, then left him heartbroken in the gutter and all they wanted was his name, money, and celebriality. I quickly told her, that's not why I was with him n that I loved him dearly, and would never do anything to hurt him. I didn't want his money or his fame, all I wanted was him. I must have made a good impression on his mom after telling her that, because I ended up really having a good day with her.

We finally made it back to Criss's Suite, and found him curled up on the couch with Hammie laying on his chest, and Khan curled around his neck all three of them snoozing away. Dimitra and I went to the back bedroom to try on some clothes we bought for she wanted to go on a shopping spree with me. Criss heard us giggling in the back bedroom, so he snuck in, and watched as Dimitra zipped my dress for me. Criss cleared his throat, and asked us if we had a successful bond we looked at each other, then looked at him and said not at all. But because neither one of us could keep a straight face we broke out laughing, Criss came in and put us in a big group hug, and said what in the hell was he going to do about the two ladies of his life. We both said just learn to live with us, n that being around us was to love us.

Later that evening Dimitra said her godbyes to us, for she promised to have dinner with her other two boys. Criss kissed her goodbye, then it was just the two of us once again in the room. Criss gave me a complete look over and said I looked stunning in my new red dress. He spun me in a circle then kissed me and ran to the bedroom and dressed himself up, and said while I was in a dance dress, we were going out to 'CURVES' to have a good time.

We got to Curves and danced the night away then we drank, and danced some more. Then drank some tequila shots, and danced some more, clear until some blond broad, tried horning in on my man. Criss was a little willing to dance with her, but I stepped in between them and said that he was my bitch, and that we were a couple, and she needed to get her own. Criss laughed at my jealousy, as I grabbed his ass, and told him, if he knew what was good for him, he'd better have his eyes only for me. Criss instantly locked his eyes on me then never taking them off of me for the rest of the night. It was around 2 a.m. when we made it back to the suite where we stripped, kissed, snuggled, and crashed, for we both were to tired & wasted to fool around, we slept very close to each other and very soundly.

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