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I was up real early, running down to the creek grabbing water, for Criss his fever was climbing from the bear cuts on his chest. I worked on them constantly, keeping the infection away from his wounds. but working with this fever, was another hastle entirely once I'd think I got it under control, he'd break out into complete chills, and I'd lie down next to him, until it'd break. Sandy slowly scampered, down to my hut, to check on me, but I was so worried, about my poor hubby, not getting any better, so she watched over him, while I ran to get Klay.

Klay gave Criss a full checkup, then told me I was doing everything right, and to expect the fevers and chills to come and go for that was his body fighting from the inside out but to call one of the other girls to take care of him, when I needed a break, I felt that my houdini, was my responsibility, and I had to take care of him, so I never called on anyone except for Sandy, and that was just to let me clean up at the creek, then go right back to watching over him.

2 weeks later, Criss was fully awake, and responsive. He was eating and drinking on his own, and even played a few games of solitaire, in bed. Khan never left his basket above his daddy's head. On the 3rd week, he was getting up and walking around the hut, and dressing himself. I for one was so exhausted, I fell on our bed, and didn't get up anymore, for 3 days. I was mentally, and emotionally wore out. Criss got worried about me, so he stayed right by my side but my exhaustion, left me after a week, and we were both ourselves again accept for the fact that we were alot closer to each other, after the horrible event we became extremely dependent on each other.

Nell was stuck in her hut, with Pete being the perfect hubby...taking care of his now very pregnant wife...Nell was suffering from extreme morning sickness, and it just wasn't attacking her in the morning it was attacking her all throughout the day and night. I went to her hut to give Pete a breather, but also cuz Nell really needed my company she was a little bored of Pete's repetitive baby talking, and thinking of names for the baby day in and day out, with every name he said for the past 2 weeks weren't happening at all. Nell really thanked me when I brought her some fresh fruits and wild berries to eat they seemed to ease her sickness, and fill her at the same time, that and drinking plenty coconut milk. I stayed with her most of the day until Criss came by dropped Pete off, grabbed me, and told Nell he was swiping his wife for the rest of the night.

Klay and Sully, walked down to our hut, came in and presented Criss with the giant bear skin they made a blanket out of it for us, then Sully handed Criss a very awesome bearclaw necklace he made for Criss just as a reminder that he not only survived the bear attack, but killed that huge mother fucker!! Criss loved both of the gifts, and gave them both a hug, and kissed the side of their heads, and told them goodnight. Then he got undressed, and crawled in next to me underneath our new very soft and snuggly bearskin quilt.

Meanwhile back in Vegas Dimtra and her other 2 boys JD and Costa, were hiring everyone, from the national guard to the Navy, and Marine Corps, to hunt for their brother, and his friends, that disappeared from the plane wreck. they had subs, ships, and helicopters, traveling all the waters searching. Dimitra wouldn't take lost at sea, for an answer even when they said it was no use. Dimitra said to keep looking for her heart was still telling her that her baby boy was still alive out there somewhere and she would not rest until he and his friends were home again safe and sound.

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