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Criss and I got up bright and early the next morning, fed Khan and Hammie, then woke our rugrats up, and got them dressed and fed, & headed to the hospital to see how Costa was doing...once in the hospital's parking lot, Criss and I decided on just carrying our kids in, instead of worrying with the car seats. We made it to Costa's room to find Costa arguing with an elderly couple. Criss went in with Angela, and asked what all the fuss was about, the two people just left in a rant but before leaving they both called Costa a murderer.

I went over to Costa and gently sat Johnny on his Uncle's lap, then gave him a hug, softly so I wouldn't hurt him, he looked at us both and said that they were his late girlfriend's parents, and they were blaming him for her death. Criss handed Costa, Angela and asked him how could it have been his fault she was the one driving. Costa held both his niece and nephew, and told Criss, it was his fault for wanting to be with her. The nurse came in, and gave Costa his medicine through his IV then said visiting hour is almost over until after lunch. Angela snuggled in Costa's arm and fell asleep. Lil Johnny was reaching out wanting daddy, so Criss put his hands down and Johnny crawled into his arms, and as daddy cradled him, he fell asleep instantly. As Criss and I talked he pointed out to me that Costa fell asleep snuggled up with Angela it was so adorable I took some pictures of it, the nurse came through again and said it was time for us to leave. I quietly picked up Angela, and we both tiptoed out of the room.

3 months later Costa was all healed up and ready to go again, our baby's were growing like weeds. Lil Johnny and Angela were now walking on their own, and garbling words a little we decided it was time for them to meet their other family members, so we put them in their carseats and headed to Pete and Nell's to visit a while.

We pulled up in their driveway, and noticed two Harley's parked in their yard. We got out holding our now very alert rugrats, and went to the doorbell. Sully and Klay came running out the door, with hearty handshakes and massive hugs. Klay took Angela and gave her an airplane ride before holding her in his arms, and telling her he was her Uncle Klay. Criss handed Johnny to Sully, who in turn kissed his little head, and told us both how lucky we were to have 2 beautiful tiny tots. Angela took to Klay instantly, laughing and calling him fox, for his hair reminded her of the red fox she seen at the zoo, while pulling on his intense red flame mowhawk he had she was attracted to his hair, it was so cute I had to take pictures of it. Finally Nell and Pete came out with Kalia, and Lil Deke, which were now walking and talking on their own. Deke went right to Criss, and wanted up. Pete was as usual jealous at how all kids loved Criss, and that even his own son always wanted Uncle Criss more than anyone else but it ebbed away after a while. Kalia was either gripping Nell tight or running to me, she was very shy, and hardly spoke to anyone. Criss did a few pieces of magic for them, to break the ice, within 3 minutes Criss got Kalia not only to smile, and laugh but he turned her into quite the chatterbox. Sully told Criss that Johnny was feeling a little bit hot to his touch, he dropped what he was doing and put his lips on Johnny's forehead, he had a temperature. Criss told everyone sorry for the short visit, but he had to get his lil boy to the hospital, to see what was wrong. Klay followed us to the car, and as soon as he handed Angela to me she started crying. Klay kissed her, and said he'd be coming to Serenity very soon to visit. I got in the driver's seat, and Criss held Johnny, as we went to the family pediatrician. He gave Johnny a full checkup, and told us he had a sinus and minor ear infection and handed us medicine's for both of his infections along with the instruction sheets for both of them. I brought Angie in for him too look at as well, and said her only problem was her gums around one of her teeth was a little red, so he handed me a tube of child's Ambesol, to put on it. Then I asked him if I should put Angela in a seperate room until we got Johnny better, but he said no, just sterilize the silverware, and sippycups, so not to spread the infection to Angela by them sharing. Criss paid him and thanked him, then put them both in their seats, and we drove home, to give our babies a nice hot lunch, then bathed them both, put on their pullups, and got them ready for their nap time. Angela was asleep right after laying her down. I tried giving Johnny his medicine, but he kept fussing with me, Criss walked in, and showed him it was alright, by pretending to take some first, then I put some in the spoon for Johnny, and he took it willingly. I kissed his forehead, and handed daddy the eardrops and told him to have fun Johnny hated stuff going in his ears. After 30 minutes of Criss buttering his son up, he finally let big daddy put his eardrops in. Then he kissed him and turned on his nightlight, and came out to the hall, put the drops in my hand with a devilish smirk on his face, showing me how handling kids was so easy for him, he turned and headed to our bedroom, I playfully kicked his ass, called him an asswipe, then beat him to the bedroom. Criss ran in and jumped on top of me, and we wrestled for an hour before I lost the battle, he kissed me as his prize for being victorious again, then we snuggled up and took a nice nap ourselves with the baby monitor still on so we could hear if anything was going wrong in the nursery. Hammie and Khan were sleeping peacefully together in their basket.

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