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Criss came home around 3:15 in the morning, I woke up to the neighbors dogs barking, at him. I heard him tell them to zip it as he very exhaustedly stumbled up the stairs, got undressed in the hallway, tossed his clothes down the chute built in the wall that lead to the basement where our washing machine was, then very quietly walked to the bathroom to wash up a bit before getting into bed.

When he outed the bathroom light he crawled into bed, Chicklet and Oso jumped on the foot of the bed. I immediately turned over and snuggled next to him, he put his arm around me, and apologized for waking me. I kissed his cheek, and asked him what was so important that Felix kept him over there so long he kissed me back, and said that while we were gone on our honeymoon, Felix and his crew tore down the old auditorium where he performs, and completely renovated it, now it looked spectacular for his new show Mindfreak Live. I told him how awesome that was gonna be, and how excited I was to see it. Criss snuggled up next to me, and said he was tired. I rubbed his back and shoulders to relax him, he fell asleep rather instantly, I fell asleep soon after, by running my fingers through his hair.

I miraculously woke up first the next morning, made breakfast, and brought it up to him as a surprise...when I made it to the bedroom with the tray, I heard him getting out of the shower, he came out with nothing on, but a bath towel wrapped around his waist he looked at the food, and told me I didn't have to do that for him, but I told him yes I did he kissed me, and said he'd only enjoy it if I ate it with him so he pulled me on his lap, and we shared breakfast, as I reached for the tray to take to the kitchen, he playfully slapped my hand, grabbed the tray, and took it downstairs and did up the dishes in his bath towel. Criss heard the doorbell, and raced to unlock the door, and seen Sandy standing there giving him a good look up and down. Criss just rolled his eyes and told her it isn't nothing you haven't seen before for when we were all stranded on the island it was so hot there sometimes we had to walk around wearing lil to nothing. Sandy grinned at him, and said maybe so, but it's still worth the look he gave her. Criss shouted up to me that Sandy was here. I ran down the stairs all dressed and ready to go, with Khan clinging on my shoulder. Criss stopped me, and asked me where I was going. I told him shopping, Criss asked me why I was taking Khan. I looked at my shoulder forgetting he was still attached to me. I comically told him to take his son. Criss said Yo in a clear voice and Khan jumped from me to him, then I kissed him and told him I'd see him soon. Criss said ok, love you sweetie. I hollered love you too My Greek Sweetness. he snickered as he watched me hop in Sandy's car and we drove off.

Once we were away from the house Sandy asked me why I had her come get me. I told her because I need to go to the hospital and I didn't want Criss to know anything until I was sure of it. She stopped the car, and looked at me then asked me if I was pregnant. I told her nervously, that I thought so, but I needed to be sure, before telling my Crazy Crisstopher, for he has been talking my ear off about him really wanting me to give him kids so during our honeymoon I purposely forgot to take my BC pills, while sleeping with him. he didn't know about it. Sandy was in tears of happiness for me, but I told her not to count the chicks before they hatched.

We pulled up at the hospital, I walked in to the office and gave them my name for my appointment. The nurse escorted me to my room, the Dr came in and asked me all the routine questions then handed me a cup. I walked to the bathroom then gave his nurse the sample they both went down to have it tested in the hospital, an hour n 45 minutes later they came back with the results, the Dr said congratulations you're going to be a mommy. I jumped up, and gave the Dr a hug, and asked him if he could tell how far along I was for its been a few weeks since we got back from our honeymoon. the Dr told me to remove my shirt, as he rubbed a cream on my belly, then ran a sonogram wand across my tummy, the screen came on as I looked at it, I saw the image of a baby. the Dr said he was surprised that I was just now noticing I was pregnant, beens I was over 1 month and a half pregnant. It wasn't at all noticeable, I asked him if that was normal, and he said its not common, but he has seen it before with first time moms, he gave me and the baby a clean bill of health. Before I left, I asked him if he knew what gender the baby was going to be at that early of a stage, he looked at the sonogram picture, and said yes, would I like to know. I thought for a moment, then said yes I wasn't good with not knowing he told me it was a boy. I smiled and told him thanks, then went down to the waiting room where Sandy was waiting for me she knew what my results were by the smile on my face, but she asked me anyway. I told her I was pregnant with Criss's son, but told her not under any circumstances was she to tell anyone about it, until I told Criss, then she could spill the beans to everyone else. Sandy pouted a little bit, but agreed to it, then she drove me back to the house, I ran through the house, looking for my hubby, but found his note on the fridge, saying he went to work, but would be home for dinner, no matter what, I love you my Sweet Bess, always your Greek Houdini.

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