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When I woke up, Criss was nowhere to be found I panicked, and hollered for him he came running from behind some trees, with his fly open, he looked at me and said what the hell! A guy cant even take a piss wihout you screaming for 'em you are in no danger whatsoever!

I looked down ashamed at my self n apologized to Criss but when I woke up, an he wasn't nowhere in sight I got scared. I kept looking at his waist n told him he needed to flip it and zip it that his fly was still open he looked down and zipped up real quick as he said he was just waiting to see if I would flip n zip it for him. I ignored his perverted comment & changed the subject, by telling him how hungry I was. He told me he was too, but looking for our surviving friends was more important than food, besides there wasn't really anything to eat in the middle of a jungle like environment, that they knew was safe to eat. Onward we walked, I kept looking at Criss thinking I seen something crawling up his back I couldn't take it any longer and asked him to stop for a second once he did I quickly swatted a huge spider to the ground he looked at it, and knew right away that it was a poisonous stone spider one little bite causes immediate blindness, and paralysis, followed by serious convulsions then a very painful and slow death, without immediate antivenom.

 Onward we walked, I kept looking at Criss thinking I seen something crawling up his back I couldn't take it any longer and asked him to stop for a second once he did I quickly swatted a huge spider to the ground he looked at it, and knew right aw...

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He thanked me and gave me a hug I told him no problem, and that he would have done the same for me. Criss heard a persons voice on the air but very distant he got real excited, and spun me in a circle, and said we were not alone on the island, that some of our friends did survive he grabbed my hand and actually drug me through the jungle following the voices he heard, me I didn't hear anything.

Back on the beachside, where the group set up camp, the screaming came from Abby and Zoey for they were having fun splashing in the water. Nancy was beating on Dallon for being an asshole & always messing with her. C-Top was sleeping under a makeshift umbrella he made out of a giant elephant ear plant. Sully was fishing again but most of the girls were tired of eating fish...Sully didn't want to starve plus he liked the thrill of the hunt while Sandy intently watched him. Pete was really eyeballing Nell, but she was thinking to heavily on Criss and me really hoping we was here on the island; alive, well, and searching for them right now.

Criss was carving a spear out of a sapling, I asked him what he was going to do with a stick? He laughed at how I asked him, and said he wanted to use his stick on me, sending me a little perverted humor. I looked at him and said for real what was he gonna do he said he was going to hunt for something to eat but first he asked me to hold his stick, I told him hell no that I didn't want to hold his stick he was still being perverted he grinned at me, and said no seriously, that he needed me to hold his stick while he tied his shoe. I took his stick, and as I grabbed it, he moaned playfully, and said thats it baby hold it tighter, I threw it back at him, and told him, he was demented he gave me a devilish grin, and said you got that right baby.

He went into the deep brush, and I waited about 45 minutes later, I heard a loud squeal then Criss came walking out with a wild hog over his shoulder he then had me lead the way. we continued to walk for another hour before I heard Abby and Zoey squealing in fun. I ran blindly being so excited until Criss stopped me very abruptly I didn't get why til I looked down, and seen I was walking right towards a sheer drop off with nothing but jagged rocks below. I kissed him on the cheek in thanks as he found a safer route down to the beach where we seen most of our friends, they were acting like nothing was wrong everyone was having a good time except for Klay he was keeping a lookout, Nell was sitting on a boulder, not too far from where Klayton was trying to get sand out from under her fingernails.

Criss and I headed down the hill to the beach, we decided on making a very silent entrance just to see who would spot us first. Beens Criss was carrying a huge hog across his shoulders how could anyone not see us walking down the beach towards them.

We got right up to them when Sully looked up, from fishing, and seen us first he ran out of the water carrying his treelimb stringer of fish to the bank hollering out our names very loudly everyone looked in our direction, and cheered not only for us both being alive and back in the group, but also cuz Criss was bringing some real food with us. Once we got to them, we got hugs and handshakes from everyone. Sully even kissed me and said welcome back beautiful. I thanked him with a kiss in return. Sandy almost knocked me over at her impact of hugging me, then she smacked me lightly and told me never to scare her like that again!! I told her in tears, that I wouldn't even think of it then we all helped get the hog ready for cooking. Sully put his fish in an enclosed waterhole he made to keep his fish for later
Then we all ate a hearty meat meal together, afterwards we found a place to sleep. Sandy lay close to me on my right side with Sully behind her, Criss started out sleeping by the guys, but later ended up crawling in beside me whispering to me, that he couldn't sleep unless he knew I was safe he was so used to being around me in the time we shared it made him insecure, when he wasn't next to me, not that I was going to complain, I thought it was about time he came around to liking me.

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