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After a few hours of walking we decided to spread out a little more, to cover more ground so we teamed into fours Nell, Dallon, Criss and I went one way. Klay, Sandy, Sully, and Kayla went another. Pete, Nancy, Breny and Ann stayed in the middle. Mickey, Mark, Abby, and Zoey, headed more easterly, and C-top, Lacey, Carmen, and Shelly went westerly.

Ann and Breny were really getting close to each other looking at the exotic birds and incredible scenery, all around them it was like walking through a romantic tropical paradise but what they didn't know was that a pair of piercing eyes was watching them very closely just waiting for the right moment to strike. Nancy was trying to flirt with Pete, but he was too busy thinking about Nell and how she was doing.

Back in my group, Criss moved through the brush like a wildcat stalking its prey he was real quick on his feet, and extremely quiet, I was watching him very intently. Nell noticed and she started teasing me but I couldnt help it he was so damned sexy. Dallon even grabbed my ass and started chanting Kc and Criss sitting in A tree...K.I.S.S.I.N.Gggggg. I elbowed him in the chest, and knocked the air out of him, Nell was laughing her ass off!! Telling him thats what he gets Criss was just silently smirking at the whole thing.

Klay was too set on finding something, that would let them know where they were to pay any mind of Sandy's teasing, So she gave up and flirted with Sully as he was checking out all the wildlife, that was on the island, and wondering how they got on the island in the first place. Kayla was just quietly looking around with Klay while holding his hand just for security.

C-Top was trying to do jokes, and pranks, just to take his mind off of how scared he was by laughing at his own jokes, Carmen being a tuff chick, put her arm around him, and told him not to sweat it, that she would look after him. he smiled a little bit, as she made him feel better. Shelly just rolled her eyes, and muffled chicken shit under her breath.

Mickey and Mark were really getting perverted with Abby and Zoey, but the girls in return, just flirted and teased back for they were dating anyways they weren't very interested in exploring the island as much as they were in exploring each other.

Meanwhile back in Breny's group, just as Ann was going to reach up and give Breny a kiss A huge Anaconda, came out of nowhere!! And bit into Ann's back, with the force of the snakes attack it knocked Breny far out of the way as it did its death crush wrapping around her entire body. Nancy screamed and ran, Pete grabbed Breny and told him to move it!! that there was no help for her!! she was dead already!!!

 Nancy screamed and ran, Pete grabbed Breny and told him to move it!! that there was no help for her!! she was dead already!!!

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Everyone in the other groups heard the screams, and went running to the noise. When they seen the huge snake devouring their friend Sully, Criss, and Klay grabbed their spears, and attacked it while it was distracted, by eating they all stabbed the snake multiple times before Criss finally jumped on its head and lunged his spear through the giant snakes head.

Sully and Klay took care of the burial detail, us girls placed wild flowers on her grave. We all looked around and noticed quickly that we were way off the main trail so we decided to follow the small freshwater creek, after a couple hours we made it to a clearing and found...

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