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It was now summer, and extremely hot out, Criss and I really had our hands full now that our kids were a little older, they were everywhere and overly curious about everything. I for one was so afraid of our babies going outside and falling in the pool. I had Criss put a security fence up around it so they couldn't get close to it. Johnny and Angela were now 4 yrs old, and full of energy just like their daddy. Criss helped me out by taking one of them to work with him, which usually ended up being Angela, for she loved going bye bye with her daddy. Johnny was a mommy's boy, most of the time. Nell came over to help me clean the house up for a family and friend get together we were going to have this weekend. Lil Deke, and Kalia were in the backyard playing with Johnny when Criss came home with Angela. but she refused to play with them, she wanted her daddy to play with her. Criss didn't see the problem with it, but I was beginning to worry, about her social skills, when school started for her, cuz all she wanted was daddy. Criss seen my slight irritability, and told Angie to go play with her brother, she knew when dad put it that way, it was final, so she went out and headed straight for Johnny, and they began to rough house. Kalia and Deke didnt know what to make of their playing habits, so they went to the sandbox, and made sand castles. Kalia asked Johnny to bury her under the sand so she could be like her uncle Criss, in buried alive but Angela said she couldn't be like her daddy cuz she was.
One thing led to another, Nell and I looked out the window and seen both of our girls fighting. I screamed for Criss, and he was out their like greased lightning he pulled them apart, and strictly ordered them to tell him what that was all about. Kalia's nose was a little bloody, and she was crying, Angela had a puffy lip, but she wasn't crying, she was angry. Criss got them both cleaned up, and sat down with both of them, when he heard the reason for them fighting he scolded both of them, and sent Angie to her room for hitting her cousin in the face. Angela ran past me crying, and went to her room. Criss came back inside, and told us what the fight was about, Nell decided it was time for her kids to go home and take a nap after we all said our goodbye's I told Criss he might have been a little hard on our baby, he shook his head in agreement, and walked into his kids' room. Johnny was sound asleep in his bed, Angela was wide awake and still pouting. Criss went over and crawled in her twin bed next to her, and gave her a squeeze, then asked her if she knew why he was upset with her, she looked away from him, and slowly said through sobs, because violence and hatred was bad, he leaned over and kissed her forehead and said that was right, then he asked what else, she turned and faced him and said nothing was more important than family. Criss pulled her up in his lap and told her how smart she was, and that she could be a very sweet girl if she tried and that there was no reason for her to be jealous, of her cousins about loving him, that nothing could take his love for her away. she kissed him back and apologized for being bad, and promised she'd be a good girl from now on. Criss pulled out his bandanna and made a cherry lollipop appear for her, as soon as she opened it Johnny was wide awake knowing daddy was doing his evening sweet's magic. Criss laughed at it and told his lil houdini to come on over he jumped outta bed, and sat on his other knee, as Criss made a blue lollipop appear and handed it to him, then he kissed them both and told them as soon as they finished to go and brush their teeth, then it was nap-time, but they both screeched, for daddy forgot to make mommy a lollipop.

Criss went to my ear, and pulled a green lollipop out from my ear, then he kissed my neck, and told his lil mindfreaks nap time...unless they wanted to stay up and hear mommy and daddy tell each other how much we loved each other, snuggle, and be all mushy. Johnny and Angela ran to the bathroom brushed their teeth, and quickly jumped in bed telling us night. I always got a kick outta how Criss got our kids too want to sleep, every time he would say that one sentence.

As soon as we heard light snoring in our kid's room, we took a bath together, and had a short nap ourselves, before we both started supper. Criss decided on making a pepperoni pizza for our tiny tots, and ordered some chinese food for us, as soon as Criss rang the dinner bell, Johnny and Angela came running into the kitchen, but he stopped them, dead in there tracks, and told them to change out of their pj's until tonight, they both giggled all the way back into their room, and put their clothes on. Then chased each other to the dining table and sat down quietly and waited for daddy to serve them a slice, as he served I asked them what do they say. Johnny quickly piped out thank u daddy. Angela took a bite first, then said thank u, Criss just playfully popped her head, and said do we talk when our mouth is full. she gave him a real cheesy grin, and said nope, which made all of us laugh. Johnny ate 2 pieces before he got full. Angie had 4 slices, she said she was really hungry, once they were done Johnny asked very politely if he could go outside and play. Criss helped him down, as I wiped his hands and face, and told him he sure could. Angela jumped and ran, for she hated me cleaning her face, but Criss caught her by her mickey mouse overall's and asked her where she was running too in such a rush. I knelt down to clean her up, as she squirmed every which way, trying to get away from me. Criss gently thumped her head, just to get her attention, and told her to bahave, or she wouldn't be able to go with daddy anymore to work, she stood like a totem pole instantly. I gave him a wink, then asked her, that wasn't too bad was it, she gave a slight smile, and asked if she could go play too. We both gave her a kiss and told her to go have fun, she screeched out Johnnys name as she went up to him, and played dog-pile. Criss looked at me, and said she is quite the little hellraiser. I smiled at him, and said yep, just like her daddy. He quickly grabbed me, and said am not. I told him he was too, he thought on it a while then he said he couldn't agree more.

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