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For 3 weeks Dimitra was on a full scaled search party looking for her baby boy they even took her in the helicopter to aide in the search. Every time they checked a sector, they'd put a red toothpick on the map to mark where they've been. Jd was beginning to think they would never find them but Dimitra, was not letting go of her son and that was final she new her boy was out there somewhere and very much alive.

It wasn't until they found the wrecked plane, that they were finally on the right track. But the helicopter was low on fuel, and had to go back to fill up, and head right back to the wreckage site they also had the Coast Guard follow them out to clean up the mess. Once the helicopter got on target, they flew over 3 smaller islands, but none of them had any signs of life. It wasn't until they hit the large island of Macitua, that Costa seen some of the plane's wreckage scattered along the beach. Dimitra ordered the pilot to land but there wasn't a place to land the chopper so he called the Coast Guard in and told them to check out the island of Macitua.

Criss jumped out of bed from the faint noise he thought he heard and ran all the way to the beach with Khan hanging on for dear life but when he got there the helicopter was too far for him to signal. He ran back to the group, and decided to tell them to follow him to the beach, and help him make a huge S.O.S. sign out in the open so it could be easily seen, after they finished they slowly headed back to their village. Nell was really depressed for the thought of almost being rescued and then not, but hopefully they weren't going to mark their island as covered and not come back.

Once again the helicopter went back to refuel, this time it was to fight a wildfire, instead of a rescue detail so Dimitra and her 2 boys went to the Coast Guard ship, and joined in their search on the island. Costa was very eager, for he had a good feeling about this island, and finding his brother when they made it to the island however, thats not what they found first.
Along with trash, and parts of the wreckage, they found 1 grave then 2 graves then finally 5 graves. Dimitra was in tears at the thought that her boy was in one of them but Costa read them, and said they were definitely from the plane, but none of them was Criss. Onward they continued to search the island they made it to the southern shore where they found the S.O.S. Sign on the beach, the rescue team said they were on the right island the wrecks survivors are here. They all split up and did a widespread search.

Two hours later Costa seen the smoke from the center of the island and began to run towards it dragging his mom and older brother behind him.

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