Chapter 6

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After school, the boys
Walked back to their homes together.


"So you guys here anything about Midori?," Juku asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, The Police report...," Budo responded.

They were stuck in their minds remembering the information they heard.


Name:Midori Gurin

Age :16

She was found in the Dumpster behind the school, possibly jumping off the railing of the roof.

She had apparently done it intentionally, as she left her shoes where she had most likely last stood.

There were no signs of what could have caused her to finally take her life, she had apparently gone through a break up with her boyfriend overseas. Described as being sorrowful after the event. We have tried looking up this man, but their relationship was over the internet. They apparently had no contact with each other in real life.

Though the signs point to suicide, her parents and friends had requested the case not be closed just yet. Their claims are that she had no way of Considering suicide, as they claim that she would tell her friends whatever would happen.

A troubled student who would often hangout behind the school near said dumpster, said that as he and his friends were walking up the corner of the school, they had her someone in distress.
This student coming forward has prompted the police to immediately look into the school deeper, as well as its past cases.

Now looking deeper into the students of the school and if they could have had demons with Ms. Gurin. The only students that could have done such a thing were these troubled students. However, the time of death and the time of said students arrival show that the gap in time gives no chance that this was done by them.

Report end

Juku looked down, or more deep in thought, "So the delinquents didn't do it then..."

Who it was, was now the question.

Budo eyebrow furrowed, as he began to link the two together. The dream, and the report.


Budo had just entered the school, as he walked up to, then turned, he passed a flyer that was in the front of the schools bulletin board.

Funeral Service of Midori Gurin.

To be held this Saturday, at 9:00 AM in the Gymnasium of the school. Please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for details.

flashback end.

Budo snapped out of his mind as he looked forward, his heart beating a hundred miles an hour.

"Do...," he began, "Do you guys know anything about a funeral service being held for Midori...?,"
Sho looked at Budo concerned and his sudden shakiness of his voice, "No...why?,"

(What did I Do This All For...?) Budo X Ayano-chanWhere stories live. Discover now