Chapter 21

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The wind blew hard as they exited from the school grounds and turned the corner twice, coming to a crosswalk with a red signal.

While they waited Ayano tried to make conversation with a question,"So what do I say when you leave after a bit?"

Budo gazed over at her head smiling as he spoke while they rode onwards past the crosswalk, and sped down the sidewalk."Just anything in general, talk about school, talk about your interests, what you like and dislike, favourite animals, etcetera etcetera."

She thought of this for a while, but remained silent, she did have some interests,(besides senpai) like video games, Manga...but she didn't feel like talking about erotic manga, dear lord... the idea of talking about it made her...immediately blush a bit. Then again there were her video games, she had done something small a week or so ago for Pipi and was able to keep a game disk, though it was scratched and it was like a dumb consolation prize.

                               *insert final fantasy Ayano victory dance here with the game disk in Ayano style*

Ayano slowly let the bike slow down, and they came to a stop in front of Whelkbux, her bike in the bike rack.

Budo hopped off and stretched his back, following Ayano towards the doors.

The atomosphere felt weird to Ayano since it was packed with so many people it seemed like chaos in a compact space, oddly enough Budo was chuckling and she looked over with an eyebrow raised,"Something funny?"

Waving it off, Budo patted her back,"Nothing, it's natural if you're nervous, let's go and get something?" He offered to her smiling sweetly. She would usually hide it but Budo at this point could see the idea of being around Taro, despite her getting better at speaking, was still tough for her.

With his understanding smile towards her, Ayano blushed lightly and nodded as she grunted,"Hn."


The dynamic duo relaxed there and waited, Ayano had her face resting on her hand as she waited, trying to imagine Taros' face. It had been nearly an hour and they sat there in silence. She heard Budo sigh for a moment and both heard his phone go off that of which he reluctantly looked down at, and sighed. "Change of plans...he just cancelled." A bit late in the cancellation as well is what went through his mind.

Ayano let her head fall, thus allowing her forehead hit the table,"Seriously? We just waisted all this time sitting here for nothing?"

Budo took a sip of his coffee and sighed, "I suppose...," he rested his head on his hand as he gazed over at her sympathetically and thought of what to do now, they left and have been stuck here for this long. After a minute or so, he felt something speak up from inside him and he in turn spoke up, "So...favourite book?"

Ayano looked up and tilted her tilted her head, " of them I've read is the first volume of Life note and Yokai Story..." She bit her tongue and cheek slightly after she trailed to the second one.

Hearing this allowed for a smirk to come up on Budos' face as he leaned back a bit, "Dark's really something else, isn't she?" He had heard of the manga and checked it out once.


     The two continued talking about other things such as video games and had left the place and had arrived to school while talking about school, and started up about clubs. Budo began to become a bit curious about her more as a result, "Come to think of it, Why did you choose our club over the other?"

Ayano peered upwards and wondered what to say, she knew what to say but didn't feel it connect to her to do so. After a few moments she hummed lightly feigning thought and spoke, "I wanted to get stronger, and between Running and practicing Martial Arts, I chose you." Something tingled with those last words, strange...

A faint blush formed on Budos' face as he chuckled, "Oh really? Well that's good to know," he was overjoyed inside at her decision, "Though you could do great at the other club, I swear you're teleporting when you run sometimes!" He laughed at the memory from earlier.

Ayano chuckled as he laughed, oh he doesn't know the half of it, "Gotta go fast(:D) right?"

Budo kept laughing, "Y-Yeah!"

     The two continued their walk casually as the day light disappeared slowly as dusk arrived. Eventually Budo noticed they had begun to near Ayanos' house somehow, he had overshot past his place and kept walking with her all this way.  He had felt a light dripping come and hit his head and realised it was beginning to sprinkle he cursed inside realising he hadn't brought an umbrella with him, and that they were both going to get soaked is what it looked like.

A few droplets hit Ayanos' nose, making her head jerk up and witness the clouds appear slightly darkened, A quick gaze towards Budo told her everything she needed to know. They were still a ways away from her place, her parents are gone for now, and he's all the way across town. She chuckled lightly as she thought of something. "...Race you."

Budo looked over confused for a second and watched her run ahead and began to jog, "H-Hey! Wait up!"

"You don't want to get soaked right?, Come on, follow me!" She laughed

The confusion was replaced with a smile turned to a cocky smirk as he sped up and sprinted, catching up to her quickly as they ran trying to avoid the rain, which had picked up as well.

As the two ran, practically neck and neck, a more competitive side showed in both trying to beat one another with Ayano bumping into him and vice versa. Eventually Budo slightly slipped on a wet spot, causing her to take the lead by a few feet.


"Hey no fair! I call foul!"

"Take that up with Mother Nature!"

The rain had picked up fully at this point, not exactly pouring but it was a free for all.

As Ayano turned the corner her leg slid forward and she slipped, sadly (depends) Budo as behind and she landed on top of him.

Budo flinched as he hit the ground and notice Ayano had landed against him after she slipped, then chuckled of course now, "Karma."

Ayano chuckled and spun around with both of her hands against the wet pavement on either side of him, "Oh Shut it."

Budo chuckled, not giving thought to the situation they were both in right now, "Make me."

Those words mixed with the adrenaline connected and in the heat of the moment, Ayano lowered her lips on his.

A shiver went up Budos spine but he kissed back, hugging her close and unwilling to stop.

Ayanos' face flared up and so did Budos' as they continued, her deepening the kiss but she could feel/ knew it being reciprocated.

After a few minutes, a lightning strike caused both to flinch as they snapped out of it and looked into each others dark eyes, in each others wet embrace.

I am so sorry. Literally was in a move, but luckily as sat back with what time I did have and kept on writing anyways. Hue. Have about 10 - 11.5 chapters now ready for upload.  One a week sound good to you? :3

*Realises that no one is here and everyone is ded*

Oh. Okay then. Well at least this is more alive then my social life.

(What did I Do This All For...?) Budo X Ayano-chanWhere stories live. Discover now