Chapter 17 -1

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Chapter Complete! 10/30/2016

     As the car started up again, Juku buckled his seatbelt and melted into the seat, looking over at Emurado, "Thanks for coming to get me, Emurado-San."

     Emurado kept eyes on the road as he pulled away from the curb and chuckled, "Anytime Juku, anytime!," Emurado was always his cheery self, even despite the situation at hand, "So, how was paintball?"

     A shiver went down Jukus' spine as the memory of Shima pushing him into the stream came to mind, as well as Budo accidentally shooting him in between the legs with a paintball, "It was..., interesting, but my team got annihilated by Aishi."

     Emurado chuckled at the slight bit of shame Juku was giving off,"Is that so?, well, it's the sport that truly matters at the end of the day when you really think about it, did you not have fun?"

     Thinking it over again, Juku came to the conclusion that the day may have been cold and painful, but it was more or less entertaining since he got to mess around with Shima and his other friends some more, "Yeah, I guess you've got a point there, it was pretty fun."  After a few minutes of talking back and forth, with Juku explaining how he got eliminated,  The Emerald green pickup truck Emurado and Juku were in came down an unfamiliar part of town, busy somewhat with occasional high traffic every few minutes. The road there on seemed to be in disrepair and had a few potholes scattering around,  there were some minor stores around, like a thrift shop, small restraunt, shopping market and the sort.

Eventually Emurado pulled into the small parking lot of a Plaza. As the pickup came to rest between a black SUV and a grey Subaru, Juku looked up solemnly and read the blue and white sign on the top of a large white building with two streaks of black going around a chiselled wall around the glass door and windows, "Shirohürst Funeral Service...," he whispered under his tongue, then hearing the door next to him on Emurados' side open up, he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door as well, stepping out, looking at the building.

As they walked towards the building together, Jukus' phone vibrated, As Juku took the phone out to turn it off, he read the name of the pop up on Messenger, 'One message request from someone you may know.'


Ayano, Budo and Taro were walking up the walkway, leading to Ayanos' house, still it's modest blue roof and grey body as usual. Ayano reached into the left pocket of her black jeans and pulled out a small golden key and proceeded to unlocked and open the door, "I'm home!," Ayano called out waiting to see if anyone would respond. A few seconds later, shuffling could be hear coming from down the hallway near the kitchen, showing a man with with collar length black hair, and grey eyes, just as Ayanos'. He had on a black suit with a white undershirt and a half done tie, which he seemed to be struggling with before coming down the hallway. The man smiled as he looked down at Ayano, "Welcome back, and you brought some friends I see," the man said hesitantly seeing the boys with his daughter, but kept his demeanour as he gave a light bow to Taro and Budo, "Nice to meet you two."

As Budo and Taro bowed back, they spoke over one another, Budo a bit more hesitant, still taking in the fact Aishi-Chans' father looks like a taller, older version of Taro, 'Something feels a bit wrong with this,' he thought within his mind as they both Greeted.

Fixing his tie, Ayanos' father looked down at his daughter and gave her a light peck on the head, "Hope you had fun dear, would you all like anything before Your mother and I head out?"

(What did I Do This All For...?) Budo X Ayano-chanWhere stories live. Discover now