Chapter 13

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Budos' POV

I smiled as Juku handed me the blue flag, it wasn't that big, a small triangle, almost like a sporting event flag, "Alright, I know the perfect spot to hide this, you guys look around the trees," I said as I began to run over to where we had all come from, "Kaito couldn't have gone that far to sleep."

I could hear Juku yell something, but I had run out of range for me to here him clearly enough, anyways, it's time to hide this thing before Ayano and the others come for it!

Jukus' POV

I could feel a vein pop on my head as rage began to build up within me again, "OII!, Why the hell do we have to find him for?!, he's your friend, not ours!"

Man, just great, Budo runs off to god knows where and we're being forced to look for a freaking cosplayer or just sit back, "So, Where do you think he ran off to?," I say to my self, while looking around, I realized Mina was there, acting cool like I hadn't just forgotten she was on our team, I then asked her, "Any ideas?"

Mina shrugged looking over at the trees, "I didn't see him go anywhere in front of us, so he probably walked back into the woods behind us...," I began to walk immediately, passing her and moved straight into the woods. I could hear Minas' voice behind me, but I couldn't care less at the moment, my mind was set on finding that bluenette as soon as possible. Eventually I could here chuckling coming from up ahead of Mina and I, we both hesitantly slowed down our footsteps and crept closer to the voice, staying close to the trees for cover. As the body containing the voice came into view, it was revealed to be Kaito.

I ducked behind a tree and Mina did just so next to me, We both looked over the side of the tree and saw Kaito was spinning his mask in had, talking sensually into his flip phone, matching our black clothes. He was...whispering "inappropriate" things into the phone, talking apparently to Luka, who as he said she was, his girlfriend.

As he continued to speak into the phone, my face heated up as I looked down at Mina, her looking up at me as well with a blush and uncomfortable expression on her face.

Kaito:Yes,Yes..., Oh well,that's new...naughty!, Alright my little..., dear, I'll have the wine at your house tonight...

This conversation has gotten way out of hand in my opinion, so I tapped Mina on the head and signaled that we should just circle back to the triangle, leaving Kaito to..., whatever the hell is going on in his head, he doesn't deserve that "K" he's more of an "L" I think. (s:3) (If you get what I am saying here, I swear I will draw you a freaking cookie and dm it too you with your favorite character from where the reference is from drawn on it.)

As we came back to the triangle, we basically fell down onto the,brush and groaned, I'm not an innocent angel in anyway, shape or form, and even that hurt my innocence.

Budos' POV

I came up to the stream as I looked around for anywhere I could hide the flag at, looking around, I saw a bunch of wild flowers growing near a tree, a,smirk appeared on my face as I walked over to the flower bunch, looking for the best spot, when I found it, I staked the flag deep within the center right and walked back over into the woods triumphantly. There's no way they can find the flag that easily in such a perfect spot..., maybe a bit too smugly at that.

As I walked back, I could've sworn I heard chuckling come deep past the trees to my right. Now curious, I began to walk quickly, but silently to see who it was, as I neared the voicr, I quickly realized it was Kaito.

I decided to lean off of the tree while still out of his line of vision. I could here the discussion he was having with Luka...I can't say I'm surprised. Not one bit.

(What did I Do This All For...?) Budo X Ayano-chanWhere stories live. Discover now