Chapter 17-2

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Jukus' POV

I tapped on the message and was brought to a chat with Occult Club, confused as to why I'm in here, I scroll to the top to read to bottom.

Sent message to Atsu, Daku, Tekina, Chojo,Churu, Re...
Higaku,Shin : Guys, get here if you can right now. Mayday. I repeat mayday.

Atsu,Daku : Where exactly are we supposed to go?

Churu,Supana : What's going on.

Higaku,Shin : We've got a restless Midori on the roof top, constantly falling and repeatedly reappearing where she was

Tekina,Chojo : A restless who? Well, guess that confirms what I felt when I looked at the roof yesterday.

Jutsu,Kokuma : I'm guessing that's the school then, I'll be there.

What they could want from from is beyond me, I think for a moment it was an accident so I ignore it and follow Gurin- San into the building. The walls are painted white with green ferns or plants in general around, I don't know if they're real or fake, and didn't really care in the first place as I look around, seeing there's a few paintings on the walls around, they feel meaningless to keep to memory as they're general artworks. I look forward again seeing Gurin - San walk towards a black door, he looked back at me with a "Are you ready?" kind of look, to which I shook my head "no" and walked towards an empty room, taking my book bag off. As I opened up my book bag, a white plastic bag, inside of it was a rolled up black dress shirt and jacket. I quickly toss the plastic to the side and take of my hoodie, replacing it with the place dress shirt one button at a time. Once I finished with the buttoning, I buttoned my shirts cuffs and threw on a clip on tie, finishing off with the black jacket, completing my attire.fully as I took out a comb from my left pocket and combed my hair back, making it look neater then it would usually. Throwing my hoodie into the plastic bag and into my book bag, I walked out back to Emurado in under a minute.

Third person perspective

Emurado smiled as he saw Juku walk out looking like someone else entirely, "You didn't have to dress up all fancy like, what you had on before was just fine."

Juku blushed lightly in embarrassment as he massaged the back of his neck, "I just felt like this would be a bit more appropriate is all."

Emurado nodded as he opened the door, leading to a room of piers empty, but there was some voices in the room. As Juku and Emurado walked forward they see the faces of those voices as Emurado speaks up, "Hisuiiro, Asamidori"

The man now Known as Hisuiiro and the woman Asamidori looked back, he was in a black jacket and dark grey undershirt, with black slacks and dress shoes to match, while she wore a black going to her upper ankle with closed toed black shoes and slightly visible black stockings or possible pantyhose. The only thing that stood was his dark green hair and her light green hair with respective coloured eyes,though they seemed darker then usual given the situation at hand, their eyes had a few dark bags underneath it, giving the indication that they haven't been sleeping much, "Oh, Emurado, you're here," Hisuiiro said as Asamidoris' eyes trailed over to Juku through the black veil like headpiece that covered one of her eyes with a sad smile marring her beautiful face, "You as well, Juku."

With a nod Juku walked closer with Emurado and watched him give Hisuiiro a hug and turn to him to give Juku a handshake, "I'm glad you both could make it, the funerals been postponed until tonight though, so we're the first ones here besides the funeral director."

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