Chapter 18

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Budo was resting peacefully in his bed facedown with his towel separating his face from his pillow. The room was dimly lit with only the now rising sun from outside lighting it from far beyond the blinds. Everything was perfect until his alarm clock began blaring at an ungodly volume, Budo opened his eyes as wide as he could as his right arm flew up and landed on the snooze button, seeing it show 6:45 AM, giving him a bit more morning irritation then usual, 'Great now I need to hurry to school now.'

Reluctantly at first with a groan he began to force himself from the safety of his sheets and looked around his bed, deciding to make it later as he took his towel, turning away and began walking towards the bathroom door. Flicking on the switch, Budo groaned as his eyes adjusted to what was around him, now with more light reflecting as he looked over into the mirror, revealing not only a messy jet black mop for hair, but that he had slept through the night in his clothes of yesterday, a beige coloured t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. Closing the door behind himself, Budo tossed his towel onto the counter and practically tore the shirt from his body, revealing his astonishingly perfect triceps(:D) and threw it in the basket next to him. As he went to unbuckle his belt, he heard his phone buzz in his front right pocket and took it out.

Unlocking his phone with a quick Z pattern, Budo opened up his messages app and saw a three texts, one from Sho, another from Shima, and third from Juku.


Sho: Hey Budo, I don't feel so good today, so can you pick up my work for me from school when the day is over with? Thanks.😷😲🤒

Shima : Uh, Budo, can I talk to you about something? 😉🙌🙌☺️.

Juku: Get your ass to school right now you idiot, this is the 4th time you haven't picked up. ~ Sincerely, you're number one friend, Ren, Juku.


Budo rolled his eyes at Sho and Juku and just sent them a "K," but with what Shima wanted he'd text her later, for now he had to get ready.

Twenty minutes later

Budo had tossed on his school uniform and grabbed his satchel off of his bed, yawning as he dragged it with him towards the living room. The sprint to school was dull since the others had gone ahead a while ago, so he was on his own up until the edge of the school came into view across the horizon, seemingly so close, yet oh so far. As Budo mentally groaned he had stopped to breathe for a he leaned on a tree, it's leaves were starting to brown and fall around him as all others were this time of year. Budo looked around him, there was traffic, but not much as usual. After a moment, Budo decided to begin running again, realising he only has five minutes until eight o'clock, Just as he tried, he saw a red bike come flying down the street, complimented by Aishi-Chan riding with a blank expression (._.) and without a helmet, the ultimate taboo.

Seeing a moment to get to school faster, Budo waved to Ayano rapidly in a scene where there was fire behind her, and Budo was a chibi, "Oi, Ayano, wait up!"


A few moments later, Budo was riding on the back of bike, trying to hold on by solely holding the seat while trying to make small talk, the hair usually in his face, blown back as Ayano sped onwards, "So, how did you enjoy yesterday's event?"

Ayano kept looking forwards as she slowed down near an intersection then continued onwards a replied blankly, "It was fun, I was finally able to talk to him without freezing up like an idiot, so that's a plus," she spoke, clearly reminiscent of the time a week or so ago, with Taro yelling at her.

(What did I Do This All For...?) Budo X Ayano-chanWhere stories live. Discover now