Chapter 26

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I look over to Amber as I open the door, doubting about if I should have came or not. The place seemed pretty crazy and I was sorta scared to even put a step in there.

Amber and Joey get out and I follow behide them. As I walk up the small path way, I get a better view of what exactly was going on. Amber seemed to know most of the people here since she was waving at mostly everyone and everyone greeted her. Me on the other side.. I didn't know anyone!

When we finally make it to the door, the music seemed to have gotten more volume or something, it was loud as hell! As I walk behide Amber and Joey, I get a few stares from a few guys and it sorta creeps the hell out of me since after getting drunk we all know what happens!

I followed behide Amber and Joey through the damn crowd of drunk people and we finally get to a small area in the far back of the huge house. On a long couch sat a few people and to my surprise I see Louis sitting next to a blonde chick who was basically naked!

She was wearing booty shorts and a damn bra like what in the hell! She has long blond hair, green eyes and she has a few piercings. Not to my surprise.

Louis didn't seem to even notice me, not one word came out of his mouth when he saw us. I honestly don't care but he should at least smile or wave. Like damn !

" Hey guys." Amber says

" Hey! I thought y'all weren't coming!" The chick with blond hair says

" Oh Cindy how could I miss this!" Amber says

" So who's the young looking girl?" A guy says from the other end of the couch

He has brown long hair and brownish eyes. He has a piercing on his lip and he looks innocent compared to the rest on that damn couch. He's wearing a blue tshirt and normal jeans. He seems pretty nice but looks can lie.

" She my cousin, She's Paris. " Amber says

" Uh so Paris, that's a pretty name. You seem pretty innocent." Cindy says

I look down at her with a face of disgust, I really wanted to say something back but I didn't want to cause a fight this fast. Cindy winks at me, causing me to look away.

I would be thankfully since she said my name was pretty but the comment after that made me a little mad since she was saying it in a sarcastic voice!

Most of the people on the couch were guys who didn't seem to have anyone to spend this party with.. Amber sits next to Cindy and Joey sits next to Amber, I end up sitting next to Joey and to the guy with the brown hair. I guess this couch was pretty big to fit all of us

" Hey I'm Daniel." The guy with brown hair says.

" Hey." I say turning to look at him.

Closer up, he was cuter. His brown hair made his brown eyes sorta pop out and his face was just pretty. The lip piercing made him look more badish but his face was just like a babies.

" Is this your first party?" He asks putting his arm around me.

" Uhh yeah, sorta" I say nervously.

It was the truth. My mom never let me come to these type of party's so it was a first for me and I'm not completely sure if I would like it or not. So far it was okay, most people here were dancing, getting wasted and talking in certain areas. Nobody was really bothering me so I was fine with it so fair.

" Just warning you things may get pretty crazy, not everyone is here yet." Daniel says

" How many more are left to come?" I ask

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