Chapter 42

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Harry's POV-

" Hazza, where we going?" Lux asks as I pull out of the parking lot

" We are going to the park with Paris."

" Yay!" She says clapping her hands.

I smile and turn back to the road. Hanging with Paris for the first time just as friends is gonna be a different experience but things had to go into a different path.

Seeing her with Zayn made me mad but I didn't say anything or do anything since I can't. Being friends is everything I can be as for now so I have to calm my jealously down.

I wonder why they met up for. She said it was something about the past but it didn't involve her so what could it be? I don't know Zayn that well but I don't think Paris and him were ever close till now so either she's lying or something.

Either way I know something is going on and I want to know but apparently Paris doesn't want to tell me so I rather not continue to ask till later..

" Hazza, Is Paris your girlfriend?" Lux asks breaking me from my thoughts

" No, love. She's only my friend.. I wish she was mine though." I mumble the last part

"Oh.. " Lux answers in a bit of sad tone.

I know Lux likes Paris as much as I do and I know she wishes that me and Paris were together but as for now that isn't happening unless things go in a different way..

Paris's POV-

As I drive I think of so many things. I think about him, my mom, Amber and all the things that have happened between all of us. It's just like a book I red in the past, the girl falls in love with the wrong guy and everything goes in the wrong direction.

It's like I red what my life would be like after meeting Harry but how was I suppose to know that someone like him could cause this. Even though he still is everything I honestly have left besides my friends and believe or not I actually think I love him.

I know it isn't the right thing but what can I say.. He flew into my life like an airplane, I never thought he would cause this but he did..

* Ima ride, Ima ride, Ima ride, on you baby on you baby all night.* ( Song : Ride by Somo.)

The song to my ringtone goes off and I look down to see Niall's caller ID on the phone's screen. Since Zayn was playing with my phone that day he decided to change my ringtone to that song and I'm sorta liking it but it's a dirty song like no!

I answer the call and put it on speaker.

" Hey !" Niall shouts into the phone

" Hey Nialler.. What's up?"

" Nothing just bored, What are you doing ?"

" I'm driving to the park, me and Harry are hanging out which is pretty strange."

" You and who !"

" Harry! H - a-r-r-y.. Harry!"

" How? Why? What!"

" That's what I said, I ran into him at Starbucks when I was with Zayn.. Zayn witnessed a scene between me and Harry after school from far away. Harry and I almost kissed again and Zayn wanted to know what is up.. So now he knows. "

" So Zayn now knows, which means we can talk about it front of him."

" Yeah, I suppose.. No one else though."

" Okay, so you and Harry are just hanging out as friends?"

" Yeah I guess will talk about stuff and what not."

" Well be careful okay? "

" Dont worry Nialler. I'll tell you how it goes. I'm here now so yeah. I'll call you when I'm home. Bye !"

" Alright bye hun.!"

Niall's tone was sorta low after I said that me and Harry were gonna hang out. I don't know why though, I know he cares and all but theirs nothing to worry about since me and Harry are just friends..

Anyways I pull into the parking lot at the park and Harry pulls right next to me. I look over at him and he has a small smile crossing his face. I smile back and get out the car. Before anything I check my phone and look out for any text from Zayn or Niall.

A text from one of them could start something that I probably don't want to happen.

" Paris?" Harry says making his way over to me.

" Yeah?" I ask looking up

" Coming or not."

" Coming."

Harry waits for me and then I join him and Lux. We walk over to some swings and Lux begins to play around in the small play ground. Meanwhile me and Harry sit on the swings and begin to talk.

" So..?" Harry says breaking the silence

" Lux really does love you, doesn't she?"

" Yeah. I love her a lot to. She's the only thing I really have left.."

" I know, but it's super cute how you take care of her and stuff."

" That's what I'm here for really, just for her and for someone else."

After Harry says that, I'm left out of words. I grow this weird feeling inside making me feel like he was talking about me. My plan was to avoid a conservation about stuff from the past but I guess that can't happen.

" Umm.. Anyways let's talk about sad stuff." I say nervously

" Okay, I still am wondering why you and Zayn met at Starbucks."

" Harry, I told you already.."

" No you didn't. "

" Uh."

" You don't trust me.. I know you don't."

" I do! It's just that I don't want you to get mad and hurt me like you've always done."

Did I really just say that? My inner voice spoke inside my brain.

I don't know what I am thinking. I was trying to avoid the topic of us and now I say that making him wonder what the fuck I'm talking about even though he must get a idea of what it is.

I look at him nervously and he just looks the opposite direction sorta swinging himself. Then he turns back to me with a overwhelming stare.

" How have I hurt you? And what does that have to do with what you told Zayn ?"

His tone is cold

" Remember what happened before.. Yeah I mean it did hurt a lot and then it's just everything. Then that party and that picture.. I thought I was something to you more than another one of your girls and after realizing it, I felt stupid..then now we are like friends so it changes stuff."

" So you actually care about me as much as I care about you?"

" Yeah.. "

" I would never just use you even though that's what I should have done from the start but no. I regret starting off that way and I wish I could take it back but at least I got to kiss you a few times " A smirk grew across his face

" Here we go away."

" I'm sorry Paris. I really am. Trust me and I know I cause bullshit to happen but I'm willing to help out to get things back to the ways they were."

" Harry, you can't do that. My mom hates my guts. She now has a new life with another guy and that's one reason why I don't want to her see as well. She restarted her life and I should do the same but at this point things are to hard for me to restart in life."

" Well if so we can restart without your mom but first we should try to talk to her. Maybe she'll understand plus I'm willing to be the one to talk to her since this is my fault.."

" Whatever. I doubt things will change with her. She's stubborn and nothing will change her mind .. Even if it's the truth."

" It's good to try anyway."

" Ugh.!"

" You look cute today.."

I snap at Harry and he stares at me with a huge smile causing butterflies to fly around in my stomach. I can't deny the fact that he looked cute today and being close to him like this and not being able to still one kiss is killing me!

I won't deny that I've been wanting to kiss him since that little scene at school but I can't kiss him.. We're just friends and that holds me back even though I know he wants the same thing.

" Umm where's Lux.?"

" She's over there but don't change the subject.. "

" Harry, friends."

" That doesn't hold me back from saying what I think. You look beautiful to me everyday and I just would like for you to know."

I can feel the heat on my cheeks building up just by hearing his deep sexy British voice say it in something close to a whisper. His words were getting to me and I just wanted to get up and kiss him like no tomorrow but I have to keep calm.

" Harry.."

" Paris.?"

Harry begins to pull his swing closer to mine and I can soon feel his breathe mixing in with mine. I look into his green eyes then down at his lips, full and pink ready to be kissed. Right when I thought he would kiss me he pulls back with a huge smirk.

He then pulls out a white phone which is mine! Since I was so caught in the moment he had taken the phone out of my back pocket.

" Look what I got!" He says waving it around

" HARRY! Give it back!"

" No! Come after me for it!"

" Harry!!"

Harry begins to run towards where Lux is and I soon jump up running after him. Not to lie he can actually run pretty fast, I could barely keep up.

He picks Lux up and he is soon running with her and my phone in hand like how can one even.? He still has a faster pace then me and I soon lose him.

I'm not that slow but that boy was running like a cheetah with its food in its mouth. I stop half way through a small path that Harry ran through and I try to catch my breathe.

I then begin to think of everything that could happen now that he has my phone. What if Zayn texts me or what if Niall calls me! What if Amber texts me or what if Hallie does?!

" Ughh!" I say out loud as I try to catch my breathe.

I stomp my feet like a little baby getting mad over not having it's toys. Instead of looking for him I just give up and sit against a tree. I know sometime soon he would have to give it back, I know that someone else would be looking for who ever took their phone but in this section it's different.

He's Harry and somehow he would have to give it back.. Hopefully!

I close my eyes as I rest against the tree and then I hear footsteps coming towards me. I open my eyes to see Harry laughing his ass off with Lux in his arms and my phone in his pocket.

" Go play over there Lux." Harry said pointing to a small sandbox a few steps away from me.

Lux did as told and Harry knees down next to me.

" You can't run." He says cupping my cheek

" How do you expect for me to catch up with someone who runs at a speed of 100!"

" Take your phone, love." He says laughing and sitting next to me.

I smile and I unlock my phone. I look down Instagram to just show off and then I feel his arm touch the other side of my waist. He was now hugging me and looking down at my phone, without me meaning to I slide closer and lean onto him.

From there on we just played around. It is the best thing ever. Having him this close is something that may never happen again and I don't want this moment to ever end..

( Awh! Lol Hey cuties! Vote for the next chapter and thanks a lot for reading! Hope y'all are enjoying! )

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