Chapter 18

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After me and Amber eat I decide to head to the mall for some new clothes to wear. My closet was sorta full but not totally, this year for back to school shopping wasn't that good thanks to the fact that I had to buy some books and what not on my own.

Amber decides to stay home so I just head on my own to the mall, I honestly need a bit of fresh air and some time alone. It's not the best idea to wonder off just because I may run into Harry, my mom or someone from school.. I don't want that

As I make my way down to the parking lot I run into the guy from yesterday. He was now wearing a white tee, black skinnies, and black shoes. The shirt he was wearing helped to see the tattoos he had .

" Hi I'm Louis. " he says smiling

" Hi I'm Paris, nice to meet you."

" Nice to meet you too. Did you just move in with Amber?"

" Yeah she's my cousin."

" That's nice. Oh sorry for not helping with the bags I was in a rush but I would've helped."

" It's fine don't worry about it."

" Alright well see you around Paris"

" Alright Byeee."

Louis seemed pretty cool and nice, now knowing that he knows Amber maybe I can get some info about him out of her.. Not that I care but just trying to know people better.

He sorta reminded me of Harry just because of the way he was dressed. It looked almost exactly like Harry but his pants weren't as tight as Harry's. The only thing Louis needed was a leather jacket and tighter pants and then they would be sorta twins..

When I finally get to my car, I get in and out on the road I am. I drive past SCH and then by what used to be my house. My mom wasn't home and just looking at that house made me recall good time that once took place their.

I couldn't believe my mom threw me out of my own house without letting me explain or actually lie. In that house all the memories with dad took place and now that I notice that house meant a lot more to me then I thought..

I continue to drive and I finally reach the mall. I go into a few stores a buy some nice and pretty clothes. I didn't waste that much just thanks to the fact almost every place I went to had a sale going on.

As I walk back to my car with a hand full of bags I hear my phone going off in my back pocket like crazy. I couldn't check it so I just continue to walk. I put everything into my trunk and then I get in the car, I check my phone and everything I see is a shit load of text messages from Ashley, Niall, Cynthia, Alyssa, Hallie, Carly.. The world!

I then look at the time and notice that school is out and thanks to that now my life would be trivia.! Almost all of them say the same thing expect for Niall.

" Where were you today!"

Is probably everything those text say. I wasn't gonna tell any of them why I really was absent especially not Alyssa and Carly. They would probably make the news go around in under a second. They can't always be trusted especially not with this.

I text all of them back and I put my phone down and off on the road I am. As I'm heading out I see the same Range Rover driving into the mall parking lot. My heart begins to race, I know Harry is in that car and I need to get far far away from here.. Now!

I look back and I see the car turning around and speeding up towards me. I begin to drive faster trying my hardest to get away. I break a few traffic rules and thankfully no police officers were in the area.

I turn into a few shortcuts to try to at least lose the person in that car which I know is Harry. I look back and I see him still catching up. I don't see why but he won't leave me alone, I already got into enough trouble with him. Anything else I could probably get my license taken away cause of this!

I continue to race down the road and I'm soon passing some train tracks, I heard a train coming so I speed up and make it through causing the train to block Harry's path.

I slow down my speed and take a deep breathe. Could this get any worse! Now he follows me out of school and what not. If he finds out where I'm staying he would probably show up and cause something that I don't want!


Harry's POV~



Damn it.! So close yet so far, if only I would have been faster then this. Fuck this!

I wasn't expecting to see her, I didn't know she would be at the mall or anything. The only reason I was going to the mall was to get some Starbucks and buy some stuff and then I run into her.

If I knew Paris would be there then maybe I would be ready to catch up with her or what not but no. Today was a well bad enough day, I get in a fight, I destroy the classroom, everything.. Pretty surprised I didn't get expelled.

This is probably the worst I've ever been and I feel it's cause of Paris. She's driving me crazy, every minute she's in my mind. Never have I've been through this with any girl and me feeling like this isn't right..

That time where for the first time I thought I had her for me, where I had the chance to show her how much I want her, keeps replying in my mind.. It may hard to believe but I'm falling more and more for her..

Im not gonna give up.. Not yet



I gasp as I get to a stop light, I don't know what that was about! Im personally tired of all this Harry bullshit, he's always appearing like some ghost and he won't just leave me alone!

I cant regret the fact that I sorta do want him as much as he claims to want me. The thought of his breathe on my neck still is stuck up in my brain, no I can't stop thinking about it and him.

Every second I think of him and me, everything reminds me of him and I just can't get him out, it's impossible. I'm scared of falling for him, I don't want to get hurt or anything even though I know I am.

But my question is am I falling for him or am I just done with this that I can't get it off my mind. Sadly I can't answer my own question.. I don't know if I'm falling for him, my feelings are just confused.


I get knocked out of thoughts by the sounds of cars horning behind me. I look up to see the light on green and I just drive on, wow interesting how I got drifted away.

After a few minutes of driving I finally get to Ambers condo and after I park I just sit there with my eyes closed, thinking of everything.

I need a break from all this, even when I'm not in school Harry still is a problem. He got me thrown out of my house and probably made me gain the hate of my mom... That's probably the worse to ever happen to me. If only he understood to leave me alone..

After a while of thinking I get out my car and take my bags out and into the condo I go. I walk pretty quickly trying to ignore everyone, I didn't want to talk or see anyone.

I finally get to Ambers door, I knock and as soon as I see her I burst out in tears. I drop my bags and just run up to her and hug her tightly..

" Amber I can't take this any more!"

" Paris what's wrong?!"

" I just can't.!!!"

Amber pats my head gently and tries to calm me down but it's nearly impossible... I just can't anymore..

Why does this have to happen to me. Why me?!!!...

(Hey cuties.! Super early update(: I won't be home today so just decided to update earlier instead of making y'all wait.. So if you are liking the book please vote and leave feedback. Thank you for 300 reads keep making it more (: love ya xx )

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