Chapter 46

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" Serve the ball, Casey!" I shout as Casey, the popular girl in school held the ball.

Yep I'm now in tryouts. Me, Hallie and Alyssa are trying out since we needed a sport to be in and also this helps with collage points which I honestly need. Tryouts so far were going good but my muscle were sore since we had to do squats and push-ups to begin with.

Now we have to show what we know. I used to play last year and also out of school volleyball so this was sorta easy for me. Hallie and Alyssa tried out last year but only Alyssa made the team.

As I wait for the ball to get to me I begin to think of Harry once more. The last time I saw him was after we both left the principal's office. We talked for a bit and after that he walked me to class. He really is changing, I suppose he's change is for good.

One thing that isn't changing is the hate between him and Zayn. Somehow I need for both of them to stop because one more argument can turn into a fight. The scene in the hallway wasn't that far from becoming a fight, it can happen in or out of school and I don't want that to happen.

Both of them said they would keep it cool but that still doesn't change my mind. Zayn can't control himself the same way Harry can't so this isn't gonna be easy.

" PARISS!" Hallie shouts

I look at her and then notice that all the girls were making there way to the locker room to change. I run to Hallie and then we make our way to the locker rooms. After getting changed me and Hallie walk back to class since lunch was now over and everyone had gotten to their class pretty quickly.

As we turn the corner I see Harry. He was leaning against some lockers apparently texting someone, I wonder who he was texting but then my phone went off as soon as he stopped typing.

He looks up and smiles, I pull out my phone and the text says

" Hey Strawberry, I'm leaving early today so don't expect to see me after school or anything (: "

I look up at him confused. At first I thought he gotten in trouble or something. I tell Hallie to carry on to class so I could talk to Harry.

" Hey." I say as I walk up to him.

" Hey Strawberry."

" Where are you going?"

" I have to go home, something is wrong with Lux."

" Is she okay?"

" Yeah, but she needs to go to the doctors office for a check up."

" Oh okay. Take care, I'll see you tomorrow then. "

" Alright I'll text you or call you."

"Alright byee "

When he said something was wrong with Lux he had a tone in his voice that made him sound like he was lying but at the same time I don't know.

I watch him disappear around the corner and then I make my way to class. When I go in everyone turns to me and the teacher already knew I had volleyball tryouts so she smiles and tells me to go sit down.

Class begins for me and Niall asks me where I was since Hallie made it to class before me and most likely we would have walked in together but we didnt. After I explain to him everything that happened earlier and that happened now, everything he said was " Harry has changed quite a bit.." 

No one really could deny that, he really was taking a spin of his way of acting. One thing that still I dont trust is the thing he says. I know he can tell pretty good lies but that doesnt mean I'm stupid enough not to know he's lying. What he told me about taking Lux to the doctor really doesnt seem real to me but that's something I'll figure out later... 



The bell to let us know school is over goes off. I make my way to my locker with Niall and right then we run into Zayn. He seemed calm now and this time he stopped to talk to us.

He doesn't mention nothing about earlier instead he talks about basketball tryouts which are tomorrow. He apparently is gonna try out and he hope he makes it which I'm pretty sure he will.

He has played for our school since freshmen year and he's the best player of the team.. That's how he got popular and that's how every girl in the school noticed him and liked him back then. The only reason he should be worried is cause you can't be in the same team for your whole " highschool life" like they call it. They say it isn't fair so they just pick certain ones to play over each year which makes no sense but oh well!!

Tryouts were tomorrow after school and I still had volleyball tryouts during lunch so it still sucks! Instead of doing soccer and volleyball season together, they decided to switch it up for some stupid and pathetic reason that makes sense to no one. 

" Hey Niall are you trying out? " Zayn asks

" Yeah probably I'm pretty good at it so why not try?"Niall says laughing.

Something I begun to wonder about was would Harry try out? I mean he could have a side of sporty in him instead of his dark and mysterious self that he tends to pulls off. It would be nice for him to be in basketball and me to make it into volleyball since we could travel to away games together and all but then we have Zayn. No way in the world would them two be able to be in the same team, that would be beyond bad. 

" How was volleyball tryouts?" Zayn says snapping me out of thoughts. 

" Umm pretty good just that I'm sorta sore. "

" You best get used to it babe!" Zayn says wrapping his arm around me as we make our way to the parking lot

" Get off dip stick!" I say pulling his arm off me and laughing

" Text me babe!" He shouts as he goes in the opposite direction to his car. 

I roll my eyes and give Niall and tight hug before he begins to make his way to the buses. Afterwards I begin to head towards my car and as I get closer I see a white piece of paper on my dashboard. Before picking it up I throw my stuff in the back seat and then pick the note up. The person who wrote this had perfect handwriting that looked like a women's.. The note reads 

" Meet me at the Creek by Meadow's park at 6:30. Before though make sure to stop by the mini beauty store next to the mall.. I want you to look perfect then you already are for tonight. Love X" 

My eyes widen as I read the note. Who could have possiblity left this here for me and what do they want? It couldn't be Zayn or Niall or even Harry because he left from the front office, not from the back door and I know this because I saw him leave.. sorta. 

My hands begin to sweat and I wonder if its a good idea to do what this person said or not? The note sounds pretty creepy and the handwriting I quite don't notice from before so either someone placed this on the wrong car or something. Now the question is... should I do what the note says? 

A/N- Hey cuties!!I hope yall are enjoying the story! If yall want the next chapter please vote and leave some feedback! Anyways I'll be updating tomorrow! love you!!! 

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