Chapter 45

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" Have a good day class." Mr.McLeod says after the bell rings.

We all get up at the same time and I turn around to look at Harry. He grabs his books and begins to make his way towards me and the guys. Niall wasn't paying attention and neither was Hallie but Zayn's gaze was on him as he walked towards me. The rest of the class made there way out expect for us, Harry stood in front of us and then we all just smiled expect for Zayn of course and made our way to our next class.

This time Niall and Hallie went on their own and Zayn walks behind me and Harry as to expect something to happen. I really don't understand why Zayn and Harry hate each other like I understand the fight and everything but what exactly is their to hate so much about each other? Zayn can be a dick I agree but so can Harry and then again instead of them to not liking each other, I would expect them to be best friends or something.. but I guess not

I walk awkwardly next to Harry and then he finally breaks the silence.

" Why you ignore my calls and text messages?" He says poking my side and laughing

" Stop! Harry!" I shout as he tickles my side. He pokes my side causing me to laugh like a retard. One thing I never mentioned was that I'm really ticklish and so this isn't a good idea especially in the hallway in front of Zayn.

" Tell me why!" He says still poking my side

" Stop and I'll tell you!" I say smiling at him and holding his arm.

" Okay fine." He says looking forward and waiting for my excuse

Instead of telling him I run off into my next class, I laugh and peek back outside. Harry was now talking to Zayn and the conversation didn't seem to be any good. I could sorta make out the words Zayn was saying and they weren't to good. I didn't want another fight so I run up to them again and try to figure out what is up. As soon as Zayn sees me he stops talking and just stares down at me.

" What's going on?" I ask

" Nothing." Zayn says looking at Harry as to say don't say nothing

I look at Harry and he looks back but then looks away. The crowd of people was still walking past us but I didn't care. I wanted to know what the problem is, if ima be anything with Harry then him and Zayn need to end the bullshit.

" Harry..You promised, now tell me" I say

" Look I just don't like you two together okay? You and him aren't meant to be. He's just a dick who wants to play around. He doesn't know what loving is and you know that yourself! I don't know what else has happened between y'all but it must have been something to brain wash your brain! " Zayn says

" You know nothing about the way I feel okay? You can't fucking tell me what I do or do not feel for her and you don't know nothing about who I am so you need to shut the fuck up!" Harry's voice rises

" Or what? You ain't gonna do shit!" Zayn shouts

" AYE! Look stop! Zayn calm down ! Yall already fought enough and I'm tired of y'alls fighting bullshit so you either pick. Y'all stop or y'all forget about being near me or being my friend" I say not thinking

" Im not gonna be his friend and Im not gonna lose your friendship over him so fine" Zayn says walking away

I look over to Harry and his face expression was cold and unreadable. We were now both standing alone in the hallway and yes you could say that we are beyond late but I honestly don't care.

" Harry?"

" I'll do the same. Im not gonna lose you like I have before. I know I've hurt you a lot and regret it a lot. So I suppose I'll do the same" He says smiling

Instead of saying anything I give him a hug, in the hug he leans his hand on mine and I just cuddle in his arms for a few seconds.

" Get to class, Strawberry. I don't want you to get in trouble " He says

" Well we late already so I mean that isn't a problem I suppose. " I say smiling up at him still having my arms around him, looking up at him .

He laughs and pulls me back to a hug. I smile and then let go. He soon turns on his heel and begins to walk to his next class which I hope neither I or him will get In trouble in. I walk to my classroom which is only a few steps from where I am. I take a deep breathe before walking in and try to come up with an excuse, I know nothing will work though so I know what is coming up.. Principle office.


Right exactly like I said. Here I am sitting in the principal office next to Harry and a screaming principle. I sit there with my arms crossed giggling every so now and then thanks to the stuff Harry mumbles. Harry was told that he could end up getting kicked out if he kept the behavior like it was, which he didn't seem to care but I did!

Then I was told that I could get ISS and shit like that which I don't care about.

" Paris, please call your mother for me.'

I snap at him at the thought of calling my mother and telling her that I'm getting in trouble over Harry so I had to do something quick. I begin to think quickly of some stupid excuse but nothing comes to mind!

" I called the wrong number and some random girl answered.." I hear some chick that was walking by say then I got an idea.

I could call my phone which is currently turned off and then tell him that she didn't pick up or just tell him that her phone is cut off which makes things sound more like a lie so I rather just call my own phone instead. I do as so and Harry stares at me with a worry face, I smile at him sorta trying to tell him that everything will be okay.

I call my phone and ring it off a few times and then tell him they didn't pick up. Instead he gives me a note asking for my parents signature and so that's better I guess. Somehow I would need someone else to sign this for me that isn't from this school or anything.. but that's easier then calling my mom..

After that me and Harry walk out the office and as soon as Harry closes the door we bust out in laughter. We both didn't care about getting in trouble like this and I mean I guess it's worth it if I get to spend a bit more time with him...

A/N- Hey cuties, wont be updating in a few days because of school so yeah. Anyways if you liked the chapter vote please! If yall want follow my instagram @galaxy_dreams14x and if yall want I could make one for only trouble maker so yeah. Leave some feedback. Love ya

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