Chapter 47

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My phone goes off as I'm currently getting out the shower. My hair wrapped in a towel on the top of my head and a towel wrapped around my body is all I have. I run to my phone and to my luck it stops ringing right when I get to it.

I frown as I see it was a call from Harry, maybe something happened but I wasn't so sure. Instead of calling back I text him and wait for a respond which I get pretty quickly. Turns out he just wanted to talk... The current time is 3:45 and the little note said 6:30.

Whoever is behind this really is scaring me but who said I wasn't gonna have my own plan set up? I plan to go and do what ever this person wants me to do like go to the store and stuff but also try to see who's the person behind this.. I'm not all that stupid.

I get ready and dress up causally, a baggy t-shirt and some ripped jeans is all I wear. I didn't feel like getting fancy just to go down to the Creek on Meadow's Park like no! Anyways before leaving I made sure I had everything that I could need, I was gonna take something to defend myself with but something held me back from doing so.

I take my phone which is fully chargered and out the door I go. Now it's actually 4:05 which means I would be getting to the little store next to the mall at 4:20 or something around there.


I look around the parking lot to see if I recognized anyone of the cars of either Zayn, Niall or Harry but I don't see their cars so instead I make my way into the store pretty nervous of what may happen.

When I walk in the store is empty nobody is there expect one guy who greetly shouts out my name.

" Paris, darling! You're here!"

" Umm Hi?"

" Come darling, we have to get you beautiful."

I follow without asking any questions which I should have but nerves were now taking over me. The guy was dressed in a pink long sleeve collered shirt and black pants. He was around the age of 30 and he had brown hair with blue eyes mixed with a bit of green. His shirt has his name tagged pinned onto it, Mr. Barnes is what is printed on the it.

Never heard of anyone named Mr. Barnes nor had I ever seen him so this was more then just strange.

He takes me to a small room at the back of the store, when the door opens there is a mirror with makeup and hair products and hot tools ready to be used.

" Here darling." He says pointing to a black and pink chair. After sitting down, he pulls over me a black thing they would put on you at hair salons. Afterwards he begins to take out some scissors and a comb, that's where I finally speak.

" Umm what are you doing and who asked you to do this?"

" Shhh darling, the quiter the better. Now stay still we want you to make you beautiful then you already are. No questions till the end."

After he says that the first thing I feel like doing is running out but then again I decide to stay to see what may happen next. I know that anyone else would have ran out or reacted in a violent way but in this case I stayed calm for some stupid reason.

Mr. Barnes begins to take my hair down from the little bun I had placed it in before leaving the apartment, He then begins to comb my hair and then he grabs a piece and begins to cut some hair.

" Woah sir! What are you doing!!" I shout pulling away

" Calm down, darling. Its just a small makeover no biggy! This is being down for someone special so its gonna be okay, okay?"

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