Chapter 5

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" Have you seen Alyssa? Dylan told me to tell her that they needed to talk or something"Hallie says as she takes out her gym clothes.

" Umm yeah I had lunch with her and Carly. Is everything alright?" I ask as I put my gym bag in the locker.

" I hope so. He didn't look that happy. I wouldn't be surprise if he calls her off" Hallie says

" Why do you say that?" I ask confused

" She was flirting with this guy when me, her and Dylan were in 3rd period"

" Well maybe he'll just talk to her about it. I don't think he'll call her off right away. Dylan isn't like that."

Dylan and Alyssa had been dating now for around 2 years and Dylan has always put up with all the shit Alyssa does. He was a nice guy but I don't understand why Alyssa always treating him like shit. It's like she didn't care about him at all.

Dylan was your typical normal guy. He has dirty blond hair, tall, dark brown eyes and he's one of the football players of the school but not the famous and preppy ones. The only reason Alyssa and Dylan were together was thanks to Ashley who got them together after Dylan and Alyssa both confessed to her that they liked each other.

Apparently that was changing. Over the 2 years of Alyssa and Dylan's relationship, Alyssa began to flirt with a bunch of guys in front and be hide Dylan. Sometimes I just think of half my friends as whores and I don't understand why I'm friends with them anyways.

Dylan soon found out and at a certain point he couldn't take it so they both took a break but the relationship wasnt over. It was confusing but Alyssa was hurt a bit so she asked him if they could come back together. They did and Alyssa went back to flirting with other guys.

" Well you see if I were Dylan me and her would be over.!" Hallie says grabbing her phone.

" Well just text her and tell her that her an Dylan have to talk or whatever"

" What do you think I'm doing"

I roll my eyes and pull out my phone to find a few texts from my friends and soon we were all called to the gym by our coach.

Gym was better then I expected it to be and thankfully time went by fast. After sweating our asses off it was time to leave. Me and Hallie get to our lockers and begin to change. As I change I recall what had happened with Harry and my mood changes quickly, of course Hallie notices.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing just tired. I want to go home" I lie

I was scared of Harry. If anything I could right now it would be to leave this school and never come back but that was obviously not happening. I sigh at the thought. I really wish that I never looked at him and that Alyssa didn't mention him but whatever it's to late now I suppose.

Things happen for a reason but hopefully the reason for this will be known soon so Harry can leave me alone and I could have a good year.

" Well we all want to go home, just look we only have 3 more periods left. You'll make it" Hallie says as she smacks the locker door.

"True" I say as I fix my hair back into a side braid. I turn my back to Hallie so she won't see the little love bite Harry gave me and thankfully he didn't give me another one.

After gym, school goes by pretty quickly. I don't see Harry for the rest of the day thankfully, I do bump into Zayn a few times in the hallway but nothing more then stares and smiles where given.

Soon the bell rings and the first day of this nightmare is over. I walk outside to see Carly and Hallie waiting for me and the rest to head outside. We would always wait for each other outside for the past few years. Alyssa was the last one to come outside and she completely ignored us all.

" What's wrong with Alyssa? Cynthia asks.

" I have no clue but it's best not to bother her" I say looking over at Hallie.

We both knew what happened and we weren't planning to say anything till Alyssa did. We all begin to head to our cars and since Hallie doesn't have a car yet. Me and her get in my car and I

soon drive onto the road and me and Hallie begin to talk about Alyssa and what might have happened

" I told you something like this would happen." Hallie says as she strolls down her Instagram feed

" Well I wasn't expecting it to happen like that. Plus we don't know if they are over for sure" I say as I look in the rear view mirror.

" Well I'm pretty sure it's over. I would text her but like you said it's best not to bother. "

" True but hopefully she's okay. I think I may text Dylan and see what happened when I get home" I say as we pull into Hallie's house.

She didn't live that far so that was good.

" Good idea, well Ill see you tomorrow. Text me.! Or ima cut you" Hallie says as she gets out my car

" Alright!" I say

I'm hungry so I decide to go to McDonald's and ordered a chicken and bacon mcwrap with a side of fries and a dr.pepper. I wasn't on a diet and I didn't need to be so whatever. I was skinny enough

I soon head home and when I arrive I sit in my car and take a deep breathe before walking in. I look at the hickey I have thanks to Harry.

It was pretty noticeable so my hair had to stay on the side it was or my mom would question me and the last thing i needed today was that. I soon get out the car and walk into my house.

( Hey cuties.! If you enjoyed this chapter vote, comment, and follow.! I'm not sure how this is going so leave feedback please^.^ Thanks cuties love yah! xx byeee.!)

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