Chapter 27

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As he looks from side to side my head starts to feel heavy and my vision sorta gets blurry. My temper probably is getting the best of me or something because this normally happens when I get beyond angry.

" You okay?" He says grabbing me as I feel like Im gonna hit the ground.

" Yeah I'm fine!" I say getting my balance back.

" Now what the hell are you doing here! Who invited you to this!" I ask in complete shock

" No one I just bumped in." He says

" Why would you do that!" I ask

" Because I wanted to see you!" Niall says

Yup Niall was standing in front of me completely dressed in black and apparently wearing a fake piercing on his lip.. At least I hope it's fake. It looked nice on him but I don't know it's weird to think of him with even one piercing!

Now my question is why the hell would he want to see me ? I'm nothing but his friend and I mean the only reason he would want to see me is if something important happened, it was kind awkward though apparently nothing seemed to be wrong.

" What?"

" Yeah I came to see you !"

" Hold it, how'd you know I was coming to this party today and at this time!?"

" It's called Facebook. You were tagged and invited to it by some chick Amber so I mean duh!"

" You stalking me now?"

" It was in my newsfeed idiot!"

" Okay well why'd you want to see me what's up?"

" No reason I just wanted to see you."

" Ughhh?"

" Yeah.."

" Is their something you need to tell me , Niall?"

" No.. Ughh well what was happening in there?"

" No answer my question."

" You answer mine.!"

" GRR!"

Niall was confusing the hell out of me. It made no sense what so ever when he said I wanted to see you. I mean he apparently likes Hallie so him crushing on me can't be it, at least I hope it ain't! That would kill Hallie.

Now I wouldn't find another reason to why he would have came here just to see me! Like this made no sense! What so ever he pulled me off Cindy saving her life and probably also my own!

I explain to him what exactly happened and after I mention Harry he tells me that he is suppose to be attending this party as well. As soon as the words he says are knocked into my brain my heart begins to race at the thought of Harry being here and everything I want to do is leave.

It's been a bad start already and I really want to leave in the first place. No I didn't have the nerve to walk back in there in front of all them people after what happened so I just text Amber.

" I want to leave!" Is all I type

" Sorry kiddo! Ima stay till this is over.! Even though you started something big, I want to stay and see what else happens!" She replies

Wow, Amber has always been into things like this and nothing will make her leave a party until its over and that really sucks for me! I had no reason to stay so I look at Niall and the thought of leaving with him builds in my head.

" Do you have a car?" I ask

" Yeah it's parked a block from here since their isn't no more damn room!"

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