Chapter 5:Feliciano's Control

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Oliver Woke Up In The Morning,He Looked Around In The Room,He Sighed.

He Still Doesn't Like Arthur's Room,Its Green Like Olive Or Basil Or Emerald.

Oliver Likes Pink Like Hot Pink In His Room,But Oliver Tries His Best Not To Remember His Old Home.

"Darling? Can I Cook?" Asked Oliver.

Oliver's Left Eye Turned Green/Emerald.

"Sure,I Don't Mind." Said Arthur's Voice.

"Thanks Sweetheart." Said Oliver.

(Feliciano's Pov)

I Woke Up And I Smiled,Humming The Same Song.

Luciano Doesn't Mind,He Kinda Likes It.

He Loves My Humming.

But,Kuro Or Lutz Like My Humming.

I Went To The Kitchen,Seeing Ludwig Making Breakfast.

"Yay!" I Shouted.

He Turned Around And Jumped,Dropping Down The Spoon.

"F-F-F-Feliciano!" He Shouted At Me.

"Oops....Sorry,I'm Sorry." I Said.

"Ludwig,Stop Shouting At Him,He Is Just In A Good Mood." Said Ludz's Voice.

"Yes Ludwig,Please Be Nice." I Said.

"You Know I Don't Hate You Or Hurt You Feli." Said Lugwig As He Picks Up The Spoon And Resume Cooking.

I Looked Around.

"Did Kiku Left." I Asked.

He Nodded.

"Ja." Said Ludwig.

"Why?" I Asked Again.

"Something About His Hermes Is Being Rude To Heracles." Said Ludwig.

"Oh..." I Said.

(Luciano's Pov)

I Soon Took Control.

"Hope You Know Hermes Is A Bastard,He Hates Cats And Him." I Said.

"I Don't See Why 2p's Dislike Their 1p." Said Ludwig.

"I Can See,One We Hate You All,And Second Of All,We Don't Like Sharing A Body With You Idiots." I Said.

Suddenly I Pinched Myself.

"Who Are You Calling An Idiot!?" Shouted Feliciano's Voice.

I Ran To The Bathroom And Slap Myself.

"Would You Please!!" I Shouted.


"Alright,I'm Sorry...I'm Sorry." I Said.

I Pinches Myself Again.

"What!?" I Yelled.

"Nothing,Just For Fun." Said Feliciano.

He Laughed A Bit.

I Sighed.

"I Fucking Hate You." I Said.

"I Know You Love Me Too." Said Feliciano.

"Breakfast!" Shouted Ludwig's Voice.

"Coming!" I Shouted.

"Breakfast,Yay! Take Over My Body Now!" Shouted Feliciano.

I Sighed.

(Lovino's Pov)

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