Chapter 19

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(At night)

everyone is at their own bedroom trying to forget about Yao & matthew's death,fading away like dust.

Alfred try not to panic but instead Allen panicked. Arthur know what to do in this situation so he let Oliver took control and Oliver sang to his american.

Andres is sleeping alone because Flavio isn't in bed at all,he is just in the hallway,staring at a painting.

Francis & Francois drift off to sleep without crying themselves to sleep.

Kiku and Hercules are awake at night,staring at the moon together,holding hands but Kiku has tears in his eyes,but that wasn't him tearing up. it was Kuro's.

then,Luciano is on the bed,couldn't sleep or rest at all for the next day because what happened.

Gilbert is gone and Ludwig is gone too. that just left him with one bodyguard and that is Kuro & Kiku but both of them need to protect their geek so Luciano is alone at this point.

the Italian got out of the bed and opened the door quietly,and walking out of his bedroom that him and the German share.

he walked down the hallways and saw his brother staring at a painting.

"ciao." said Luciano.

Flavio snap himself out and saw his brother.

Luciano sit by him and pat on his head.

"it's alright." said Luciano.

"how come you not feeling all this pain." said Flavio.

"i do,but it isn't my pain,it is Feliciano." said Luciano.

"you remember that plan,right." he said.

"si,i do." said Luciano.



"what's the plan luci-chan?" asked Flavio.

"first my plan is getting the German brothers back while you guys defense yourself and staying alive once i come back with that,got it." said Luciano.

"WHAT?!" shouted Alfred.

Luciano glare at Alfred and pulled out a knife.

"got a problem vegan and meat eater fuckers." said Luciano.

"no..." said Alfred.

"your plan,Alfred?" asked Francis.

"YOU BET I DO!" shouted Alfred.

"what is it this time?" asked Andres.

"better not be horrible." said Kiku.

"si,better not be horrible." said Andres.


"if you just stop swearing,and don't finished this meeting we all going to die." said Oliver.

"you finally spoken up Oliver." said Francis.

"i rather not speak." said Oliver.

"then let Arthur take control." said Alfred.

Oliver quickly gave him a middle finger and stick his tongue out.

"i'm not wasting my magic and he want me be in control to make sure you don't fudge it up like always and beside he can hear you." said Oliver as he lay his head down.

"well...the niceness from Oliver has left the building." said Francis.

"let's not bother him,okay." said Kiku.

"right." said Alfred.

"so,continue on the plan." said Luciano.

"alright...well...." said Alfred as his eyes glowed.

(flashback ends)

"i remember." said Luciano.

"first thing in the morning,you'll be searching for them." said Flavio.

Luciano nodded.

"well i'm coming too." said Flavio.

"are you fucking nuts? you are not coming along with me." said Luciano.

"i'm coming,whatever you like it or not Luci-chan." said Flavio as he blue eyes glowed in the darkness.

Luciano shivers and sighed.

"fine." he said.

"thank you." said Flavio with a smile.

then,they heard footsteps,seeing Kiku and Hercules holding hands.

the geek yawned.

"i'm tired." he said.

"surprise you are healed up." said Luciano.

"of course i am." he said.

"why both of you are awake?" asked Kiku.

"just talking,that's all." said Flavio.

then Kiku whispered into his lover's ear and his geek walked down the hallway to his bedroom.

"what did you told him?" asked Luciano.

"none of your business,mister Luciano." said Kiku.

Kiku's eyes switched to Kuro's eyes.

"boss." said Kuro.

"yes?" said Luciano.

"how are you going to find Ludz & Gilen,they could be everywhere." said Kuro.

"i know but they are out there somewhere and safe,i trained the idiot and i made him live in a forest for a month,he know how to survive." said Luciano.

"alright,but who should be coming with you?" asked kuro.

"moi." said Flavio.

Kuro was confused.

"explain yourself." said Kuro.

"what you mean?" said the confusing  Flavio.

"you. surviving outside with Luciano." said Kuro as he chuckled.

"i know how to survive,i trained myself day and night from the mafia along with Luciano." said Flavio.

"prove it and come back alive." said kuro as he stick his middle finger up and then walked away.

"fuck you too buddy." said Flavio.

"they think Flavio is weak." said feliciano's voice.

"si,they think that Flavio is the weakest member of the axis." said Luciano.

"what the actual fuck,we're going to show him,we aren't that weak...we're from the damn motherfucking mafia!" shouted Lovino's voice.

"we will show him." said Flavio.

"well,time to get to bed,it's almost mid-" said Luciano but glass was shattered in pieces with a rock on it. it has a piece of paper.

"what the fuck is this shit?" asked Luciano as he unfold the paper.

he Read the paper then drop it as the paper flew down to the floor.

"something wrong?" asked Flavio from behind.

".....T H E Y W I L L P A Y." said Feliciano's voice with dark aura,glowing eyes.

The Paper shown a picture of their little brother with a "X" mark on his face.


someone going to get revenge. 

the innocent isn't happy no more.

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