Chapter 32

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"what...." said Lovino.

"it's almost time...." said Arthur.

"what's going on? What is happening? Why are you acting like this?" asked Lovino.

Feliciano's curl twitched as his left eye twitched. He look at oliver and Arthur then at his older twin brother with a gentle smile. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"you need to know but don't tell anything got it." said Feliciano.

Lovino nodded slowly very nervously.

"this is another world of reality I have to save,but it look like I have a chance to save this world. I won't let anyone die by his hands or his minions." I said.

Lovino look at his twin brother with confusing and doesn't understand.

"this is the fourth reality. The others were a fail. Everyone I knew died by his monsters and himself. First world,everyone died and yet the world got destroyed." said Feliciano.

".....wait....what are you? You aren't normal fratello." said Lovino.

"i am getting to it. The second world ended up the same way as the first one but the third world was different. Oliver and Arthur was aware of my suspicious in that world. They were my ally and closest friend. But it didn't turn out I wanted. I was so close but he died." said Feliciano.

Oliver shaken up and look at Feliciano with confusing and fear. His eyes turned into pink.

"what you mean i died,what happened?" asked Oliver.

"you have died by Allen." said Feliciano.

"what...." said Oliver.

[Third Reality]


"i am so sorry,I am sorry. I am really sorry." cried Oliver.

"mama! Mama! Where's daddy?" asked Peter.

"daddy is alright. Daddy is protecting us. Feliciano is here." said Oliver.

"fuck! I was so close! Everyone is dead!" yelled Feliciano.

"we are alive!" shouted Oliver.

Feliciano and Oliver are running down The mansion hall and searching for Allen before it is too late,a monster was being heard and peter cried holding onto Oliver.

They heard footsteps and saw Allen in front of them.

"Allen! Thank goodness." said Worried Oliver.

"Daddy!" said Peter.

"something is wrong...." whispered Feliciano as he held Oliver back.

Oliver look at Feliciano then turn around,witness his peter being killed by Allen,stabbing him in his stomach, blood are pouring out of him. Peter looked at Allen in horror. Tears streams down his cheeks as his eyes are closing heavy.

"ALLEN!!!!" He screamed as he try get out of Feliciano's grip. His eyes were dark pink while tears pouring out his eyes.

Allen laughed and smirked widely,walking forward to Oliver. Dropping the body of peter on the hard floor.

He held the blade in His hand tightly.

"what's wrong my cupcake? Don't you love the blood of our son. He's dead. He is out of the way,you'll next. Join him soon cupcake." said Allen(?)

"you aren't my Allen. My Allen wouldn't kill peter. He wouldn't kill me or threaten me." said Oliver.

Allen chuckled.

Feliciano quickly grab Oliver and went to Oliver's forbidden room and lock the door.

Feliciano looked at Oliver,whom has scars and cuts on his body with messy hair and a bloody shirt with a rip up bowtie.

Oliver start to break down in tears as Arthur appeared by his side,hugging him. Feliciano heard banging on the door.


"no no no no no. Feli-feliciano,you been on two worlds please,please anything!" shouted Oliver.

"sorry but you are going to die." said Feliciano.

Oliver stood up as Arthur look around the room. He become mute. He is frighten.

The Brit grabbed four potions and gave it to Feliciano. Feliciano was confused yet very happy.

"please. Please. Save the next reality. Save the next world,use my potions wisely. I want him safe. I want my son to be Alive. I want Allen safe,but please Feliciano do your best." said Oliver.

The door busted opened by a dark figure of Allen. The evil American lick his lips and walk forward to Oliver.

Oliver gasps and use his barrier to protect himself.

"RUN!!!" Screamed Oliver.

Last thing Feliciano heard was screaming. Yet he was awoken up in a forth world of reality.


Feliciano woken up where the 2pworld hadn't been destroy yet.

He sighed and cried in tears,that Oliver was his friend that he trusted.

"i'm sorry." he cried.

[Current World]

"you were my friend Oliver, you were nice and control your emotions and Arthur was mute because he did a forbidden spell. Everyone died. Everyone were left behind. Everyone was no longer to exist. The worlds are like mirrors and mirrors shattered. The world shatter. They are destroyed. " said Feliciano.

"that doesn't explain what are you. " asked Lovino.

"i am reality. I cross reality but I think I can save this reality. This is special. You are now involve now fratello,like I say before,welcome to the pact." said Feliciano.

"what should I do?" he asked.

"do what I say." said Feliciano.

"what....? You serious?" said Lovino.

"yes,I am serious." said Feliciano.

[Feliciano's POV]

Lovino has joined the pact,isn't this wonderful. This world is special. But we just need one more to die.

"alright,it is getting late. It's time to go to bed." said Oliver.

Arthur yawned as he vanish in thin air as Lovino yawned and left the room along with Oliver.

"protect the one you love before they die." I said as my eyes glow in the dark.

I giggled.

"He's next....."

"i'm sorry."

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