Chapter 21

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a hand,reaching out the Italian,he swim toward him,grabbing his gentle hand,holding him and swimming up out of the water,coughing. he touched the Italian's short brown hair,carefully not touching his curl.

he & another guy,went up to land and gave them CPR. Feliciano coughed out water,he kept coughing till he opened his eyes,seeing a certain someone in his eyes.

"L-L-Lud?" he said confusing.

The German smiled and nodded,he kissed his Italian on the forehead. Feliciano chuckled and hugged him.

"thank goodness." said Feliciano.

"were you worried?" said the worrying Ludwig.

"si,i was." said Feliciano.

he heard his older brother coughing and push the Prussian out of the way.

"Ew!! don't kiss me! i don't want your German mouth to my fucking mouth! gross!!! so fucking gross!" screamed Lovino.

Lovino went to the water,drinking up the water trying to get the taste out.

Feliciano laughed.

"my mouth isn't that bad,Lovino." said Gilen.

"why you not letting Gilbert take control." asked Feliciano.

"he feels really bad know..." said Gilen.

"i see..." said Feliciano.

Lovino turned around and went by me.

"....well...we are glad you two dumbasses are alive." said Lovino.

"jou are glad?" said Ludwig.

" we,i mean Feliciano & Luciano & Flavio." said Lovino.

"we have to get both of you out of here. you ain't safe." said Feliciano as he took Ludwig's hand with worried eyes.

the Italian is fill with fear and agitated,he worried they may be next to die horrible like his brother or Yao or Matthew. he tug Ludwig's arm.

"let's go,please." said Feliciano.

"hey hey hey,Feliciano bastard calm down." said Luciano's voice.

"don't tell me to calm down when someone i love will die and without them i am nothing to save them!" shouted Feliciano.

Ludwig & Gilen & Lovino are shocked and worried for Feliciano's distressed,he is not easy to handle death or want to save everyone from a game to die for.

"i don't want..." said Feliciano as he start to hiccup and forming tears in his eyes.

"calm down and take a deep breath,we will come with you,no need to panic." said Ludwig.

tears streaming down the worried Italian cheeks as he smiled.

"al-alright." said Feliciano.

(Feliciano's POV)

i took Ludwig's advice and calm down,not panicking so much,so instead i should let Luciano take control because i'm at my limit now.

"please excuse me." i said to Ludwig as i let go of him and went around the building.

"luci." i said.

"i know i know,you are panicking and probably at your damn limit,don't worry,i'll take control." said Luciano's voice.

"th-h-hanks." i said with a smile.

"you are welcome." said Luciano's voice as i closed my eyes and he closed his eyes.

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