Chapter 27

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“look like my time is up.”


Feliciano and the hooded person fought each other as Feliciano lay against the wall,panting. He noticed the hooded person try to break the dark firewall but Feliciano quickly to react as he summoned knives around him,striking at him. But the hooded person block with magic shield.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” shouted Feliciano as he pull out his knife from his pocket while knives are floating in midair.

“My name isn't important.” he said.

Feliciano growled within his anger.

“Feliciano!!!!” shouted a voice.

Feliciano gasped with shock expression as he look behind,seeing Luciano running toward him.

wh-why.” said feliciano in his thoughts.

Feliciano's weapons poof away in a instant as he look at Luciano.

Luciano rush in and hug Feliciano who is damage a bit.

“how did you got here?” asked Feliciano.

“bastard,i worried about you.” said Luciano.

“this must work.” said the hooded person.

Luciano & Feliciano heard his voice as Luci protected Feliciano from him as he pull out his knife from his pocket.

“how are you here?” asked Luciano.

“none of your business.” he said as he snap his finger,revealing a giant circle with an ancient language.

“i'll get rid of you both,this will make my job so much easily.” he said.

“ve?!” said Feliciano as he cried and hold onto Luciano, closing his eyes.

Luciano closed his eyes as well as he held onto Feliciano.

They heard the blast but it didn't hurt them. How? Did something happened? Is Feliciano risking his life?

“isn't it a bit rude to enter someone's mind for not asking their permission.” said a familiar voice.

Luciano and Feliciano opened their eyes and saw a familiar figure but he is wearing pink uniform.

The figure turned around as he lower his shield with his eyes flashing pink.

“Oliver!” shouted Feliciano.

“in the flesh.” said Oliver in a happy tone.

“and me Arthur, both of you should hide and let Oliver do the job.” said Arthur's voice.

The two Italians nodded and hid.

(Oliver's POV)

I am quite pissed. This just going to entered someone mind to kill them,seriously. Does he known that if you kill them here,they will die in reality and their body will not function anymore. If the other dies,so will the opposite.

I really hate explaining things to idiots who is pathetic.

“excuse me,i suggest you to leave and never come back ever again,this was going to be a peaceful day but it look I cannot even have that anymore. It been ruined.” i said as I stare at him.

He didn't respond to me so he quickly charge to me with a blade in his hand as I summoned my spell book in hand with a backflip,and stick the landing with a sinister smile.

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