Chapter 6:Mysterious Hooded Man

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Luciano & Lovino Kept Talking About Feliciano's Weird Behavior.

Feliciano Kept Being Quiet.

"I'm Kinda Hope Of Him To Take Over,But...It Seems He Won't." Said Lovino.

"Guess Feliciano Got Thinking To Do." Said Romano.

"Has He Done This Before?" Asked Luciano.

"Before.....I Think Not." Said Romano.

That Is Strange.

"Vhat Going On Here?" Asked Ludwig As He Walks In The Room.

"Ciao Bastard." Said Luciano.

"What's Going On?" Asked Ludwig.

"Nothing." Said Lucianio.

"Nothing? Both Of You Hate Each Other,Now Tell Me." Said Ludwig.

"Bastard..." Said Romano.

"Fine....But Bring Kiku Along,Nobody Else." Said Luciano.

"Alright." Said Ludwig.

Ludwig Left The Room.

"Ve..." Said Feliciano's Voice.

"Huh?" Said Confused Romano.

"The Idiot Has Spoken." Said Luciano.

"Why You Got My Luddy Involve...?" Asked Feliciano's Voice.

"He's Your Lover,If I Hide Things From Him,He'll Do Something." Said Luciano.

"I See...." Said Feliciano's Voice.

Soon Enough,Feliciano Isn't Speaking Anymore.

"There He Goes Being Silent." Said Luciano.

Lovino Sighed.

"He Is Quite A Nice Brother To Be Quiet." Said Flavio's Voice.

Luciano Nodded.

After That Ludwig Bring Kiku In The Room.

"Koko ni iru yo." Said Kiku.

"Good." I Said.

"What's Wrong With Feliciano-Kun?" Asked Kiku.

"I'm Getting To It Bastard....My Idiot Italian Is Learning While In The Empty Space....He Kinda Being Quiet And Keeping Thing To Himself..." I Said.

Suddenly I Blacked Out.

"Luciano!" Shouted Ludwig & Kiku.

(Nobodies's Pov)

Luciano Appeared In A Dark Area,He Sees Feliciano Sitting Down With A Calm Aura.

"Feliciano?" I Said.

Feliciano Turned Around As His Amber Eyes Glowing In Darkness.

He Smiled.

Feliciano Runs Toward Luciano And Hugging Him.

"Wha-t?" Said Confused Luciano.

"Listen To Me...Don't Go On Telling Anyone About Me Not Responding Much..." Said Feliciano.

"Fine Damnit" Said Luciano.

"By The Way,Pretend To Be Like Me Please." Said Feliciano.

"NO! That's Torture! I CANNOT Be Nice & Stupid Like You Idiot! I'm A Killer NOT A Crybaby Weakling!!" Yelled Luciano.

"I'm NOT A Killer..I'm NOT An Hot-Headed Man & I'm NOT An Sociopath That Lacks A Conscience Or A Freaking Maniac On The Loose.." Said Feliciano With A Calm Voice.

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