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Oliver is now at his point. He grabbed Peter's sailor hat and sobbed. He get out of the safety as he look up at Vasile and Toma. He laughed softly then an insane laugh.

His eyes are flashing as lights flicking off and on. The crazy Brit screamed loudly and summoned his magic book.

“you. Are. Going. To. Die!” screamed Oliver.

[Luciano's POV]

What's going on?! Why are here? Feliciano got some explanation to do. No Oliver need some explanation to do.

“i am so sorry Luciano but I didn't want you involve but I have no other choice. I didn't want you to be a puppet in their game. It always turns out horrible and I hate it.” said Feliciano's voice.

Huh? Puppet? I am nobody's puppet.

“but you were.” said Feliciano's voice.

“look out!” shouted Ludwig.

I was pretty much distracted by talking to Feliciano and I was kicked by Roland. Roland grabbed my head and try to crush my head.

I coughed and growls at him.

Roland laughed.

“let him go!” shouted Ludwig as he came by and swing his knife at him to his arm.

Roland quickly retreated and let me go fast.

“damnit.” I said.

“are you okay?” asked Ludwig as he helped me up.

“i am fine damnit,I don't need your fucking help. I can help myself.” I said.

Monsters appeared before us and attack us from above as I killed them immediately.

“monsters are just so easy.” I said.

[Flavio's POV]

Andres is dealing with his puppet fratello while I am dealing with the unfashionable freak show.

“come on! Fight! I know you can fight! You have knives and a strings! I know you aren't a coward!” he shouted.

“i am sorry my friend, I have no choice to kill you....” I whispered.

friend? He is your enemy.” said Lovino's voice.

“no,his other personality, his 1p. Feliks. He is a friend of mine. But that freak killer is preventing him to switch. He doesn't want to fight.” I said.

but you have no other choice.” said Lovino's voice.

He's right.

[Kuro's POV]

Me And Hermes are fighting against my own brother. He is a puppet and doing his bidding. Yet. I know him very well, he wanted to kill me for dishonest on our family.

Kiku and I tend to switch becomes we are compilable.

“Hermes!” I shouted.

“Yes sir!” shouted Hermes as he strike my brother down. But I known him,he wouldn't give up on a fight.

It's like a fight to the death for both of us.

“it's not fair! He is your sidekick! I'll bring his rival.” he said.

“oh no.” said Hermes.

[No POV]

In Oliver's Battle with Toma & Vasile And Oliver's brothers. The insane Brit summoned his monsters and mythical creatures surrounding him.

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