Chaper 30

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A body with no motion. He was hanging from the ceiling. There was a chair and a rope around his neck. Everyone  is pretty much shock by the sight of it.

Then,they heard murmuring voice. Oliver look to his right,seeing Antonio rocking back and forward,with his eyes crying out.

Lovino reach over to him and ask him what happen but Antonio rather not speak. He rather die along with him. He should have done it but he couldn't.

Oliver look straight up,seeing Francis body. He wasn't expecting his long time friend to die next. He commit suicide. Oliver start to broke down in tears and left the room without any words.

Peter gulped and followed Oliver. Everyone else were scare.

“How in the fuck this happened?” asked Kuro.

“look like he couldn't take it anymore like Gilbert couldn't take it anymore.” said Hermes.

[Feliciano's POV]

I woke up in my bedroom,and feeling something wrong in the air. This is a bad atmosphere. Luciano still asleep,so I went over to the bathroom and get rid of the blood stains from my eyes.

I'm glad Luddy didn't notice it. I went out of the bathroom and stretch out my arms and legs. Then,I heard footsteps from the hallway. I went to the door and opened it,seeing Oliver walking with Peter.

“Oli-”  I said.

Then,an small Axe flew by and almost hit me. I duck and look back at the painting of Francis. And I turn back to them.

Peter spoke up.

“he doesn't want to talk.” said Peter.

“where's Alfred? Or Allen. I need to be lock up in there.” Whispered Oliver.

What's going on?

[Lovino's POV]

What the fuck happened? What the Fuck is happening here?! We are safe right?! Why would this bastard would do this!?!

“hey. Hey Antonio. Look at me. Look at me and calm down.” I said.

It was no use. He isn't listening or budge a move. He can at least tell me what happened.

“my sweet tomato, talk to me. Please, I am here for you. I am here.” I said in a gentle voice as I hugged him.

I sang a song to him only for him,he started to calm down and eyes were getting heavy. I ruffle his hair and whispered good words to his ears.

“everything will be okay,I'm here.” I said.

Once he calm down,he fell asleep. As he fell asleep I turn around and saw Ludwig taking Francis body down.


“taking him down.” said Ludwig.

“WHY?!” I yelled at him.

“because I told him to,fratello.” said Feliciano.

“Feliciano....” I whispered.


In the cell room,me and Feliciano are trying to speak to Oliver but he wouldn't talk to us,he is ignoring us.

“Allen,can you get him to talk.” asked Feliciano.

“no can do,this is what I do when he about to go on a rampage, I lock him up in there and gave him tea,but it look like he wouldn't take the tea anymore.” said Allen.

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