Chapter 15

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Luciano Vargas,stares at the dark figure. he doesn't know who it was.

it's changing the atmosphere.

"Luci-chan? are you okay over here?" asked Flavio as he walks over to Luciano,touching his shoulder.

as Luciano turns around,his eyes were glowing.

Flavio gasps.

"f-f-Feliciano?" he said in confusing.

Luciano calm down and took a deep breath,closing his eyes.

"i'm fine,i am fine Flavio stop your worrying." said Luciano.

"is Feli-chan okay?" asked Flavio.

"he isn't responding,that means he is not taking it very well." said Luciano.

"i can see,you been crying." said Flavio.

"crying? that's probably Feliciano's tears." said Luciano as he touch his eyes.

Flavio switch to Lovino.

Lovino hugged Luciano.

Luciano was about to push him but he accept the hug,he couldn't move.

"Feliciano.." he whispered.

"i'm here Feli,don't cry." said Lovino.

Luciano was forced to hug him back and sobbed.

"i want this to be over." said Luciano.

"Si,i know." said Lovino.


Ivan stare at Yao's body in another room and others want him to move on,but no way he will move on because he is a monster.

"what should we do?" asked Allen who is covered in bandages.

"was that your plan?" asked Ludwig.

"yea." said Allen.

"what you did was low Allen,you probably made the hero upset like Feliciano." said Oliver.

"i don't care." said Allen.

then,the axis & allies heard Ivan screamed.

the Russian witness that yao disappeared in front of his face.

he has a horror look.

Oliver put a barrier on Allen,but others ran to another room.

Allen is hiding behind Oliver.

The Russian come up to Oliver,grabbing him by the neck.

"move or i'll make you move." said Ivan.

the Russian switch to Ivon,pulling out his pistol,pointing at Oliver's stomach.

"o-o-liver." stuttered Allen.

"go on ahead shoot me,i dare you,do it." said Oliver.

"what the hell Oliver?" whispered Allen.


instead,the Russian put away the pistol and thew Oliver to the wall with brute force.

Oliver coughed out blood,falling to the floor.

Allen quickly aid for Oliver,helping up his lover.

"next time i'll shoot your guts." said Ivon as he leave Arthur's home.

"where you going!?" shouted Allen.

"where do you think?! idiot!" shouted Ivon.

The Russian left the building.

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