Chapter 14

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Luciano and flavio stare at each other then at the American idiot.

"whoa whoa whoa!" shouted Luciano.

"crap." said Allen as he try to flee.

"where you going?" asked Luciano as he block the doorway.

"we-welcome back Luciano." said Allen.

"listen here bastard,who made you boss or leader,and what's your big plan now? will it fail,who fucking allow this plan to go." said Luciano.

"reasons why Russian isn't in the house." said flavio.

"i'll check on Ivan." said Yao as he looked at Arthur.

Arthur snap his finger and proof Yao to Ivan.

"well,nobody isn't going to be the leader so i am the leader so HA!" said Allen.

"Oliver?" said confused flavio.

Arthur's eyes switched to blue.

"i didn't get a chance to speak,he is loud as heck so he wouldn't let anyone talk." said Oliver.

"Allen you are an ass." said Luciano.

"say that again,i want to punch you in the face." said Allen.

"please don't fight again." said Oliver.

"please don't fight him again,luci." said Feliciano's voice.

"si si." said Luciano as he turns away from Allen.

"so,want to be part of this plan?" asked Allen.

"Axis." said Luciano.

Ludz,Andres,Gilen,and Kuro took control of their 1p and walked to Luciano.

"we are the axis are not taking part of your shitty plan." said Luciano.

"sorry Allen but of your plans always turns out failure." said flavio.

"he's right." said Oliver.

"shut up! are you on my side or not Oliver!?" shouted Allen.

"neither." said Oliver.

"are you listening to that Britain idiot?!" shouted Allen.

"matter of fact,yes. Arthur known what you do and it will come out stupid." said Oliver.

"Francis? Francois?" said Allen.

"on your side." said Francois.

"same here." said Matthew.

"see,they got my side." said Allen.

"birdie please,don't stick to his plan." said Gilen.

"it may be stupid but it will work." said Matthew.

"oui." said Francois.

"what's your plan?" asked Allen as he look straight at Luciano.

Luciano sighed and ignored him,going to another room.

"don't ignore me!!!" screamed Allen.

(Luciano's POV)

"Ve~ why you don't support his plan or anything? do you hate him that much,what does he do in your world?" asked Feliciano's voice.

"that idiot hurt Ludz,he try to murder me and try to flirt and took the ladies that i want to drag and murder them to the basement." i said.

"is that it?" said confusing Feliciano.

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