Chapter 28

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Oliver ran out the room with tears and grief and Allen is pissed now,walking toward to Feliciano by grabbing his neck.

“WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE?!?!” He yelled at Feliciano.

Feliciano didn't respond, he rather not speak. So Allen smack Feliciano's cheek very hard,causing the weak Italian to fell to the floor.


Flavio rather not get involved to help His younger twin brother because Allen is aggressive.

Feli has tears in his eyes as he touch his left cheek,looking up at Allen.

Allen kicked Feliciano in the gut then walk away to search for Oliver.

Flavio stare at his younger twin as he walk away from him.

Feliciano sighed and got up try to get used to the pain.

“it hurts...” he whispered.

Afterward, Allen walks down the hall,seeing Lutz and Kuro and Francis by a certain door with a x mark the spot.

“Oliver...” he said as he touch the door knob but it shock him as he got away from the door.

“is he in there?” asked Allen.

Francis nodded.

“he rush in there in a panic and he didn't tell us what was wrong.” said Francis.

Allen banging on the door,repeating Oliver's name but it was hopeless.

“it is pointless. He will commit suicide in that room.” said flavio.

“WHAT?!” Shouted Allen & Francis.

“that is a suicide room,people commit suicide in there from being torture by Luciano.” said Flavio.

Feliciano took a step behind flavio,feeling nothing but shame.

“Does he realize that if he dies Arthur dies too!!” shouted Allen.

“he's leaving me?” said a voice.

They turn around and saw peter with Antonio.

Peter was about to have tears in his eyes as his 2p took control.

“pete,he isn't leaving you.” said Allen.

“that's a lie! Oliver is leaving me! I'll be left alone!!” shouted 2p!Peter.

(Meanwhile in the suicide room)

Oliver has a knife in his hand as he point the knife to his arm,he cried in tears for losing his big brother. The one who raise him and took care of him.

Arthur as a ghost figure, he is in a fertal position,not saying a word to Oliver. He is pretty much took it hard like Oliver. There's nothing to live for anymore.

This isn't what he asked,this isn't what Oliver asked for. This is pain and misery where everyone died.

This is-

He and Oliver heard banging on the door. It has to be Allen. He is pretty much upset and Oliver rather not tell Allen anything.

Then,he heard flavio's voice explained to them. 

After that, he heard Peter's voice,that voice sound upset and angry.

“hey love.” said Oliver.

Arthur rose up his head and look at him.

“yes?” asked Arthur.

“the child, your 1p child is frighten. Go and cheer him up or something.” said Oliver.

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