Chapter 31

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Everyone turn to Feliciano and Feliciano look at Oliver with confusing.

“what is he talking about?” asked Ludwig.

“Feliciano....” said Lovino.

“it is nothing,Oliver is just angry. That's all. And um....Oliver can we talk private.” said Feliciano.

“sure....” said Oliver.

“everyone please resume and forget this happens please,Oliver is just angry.” said Feliciano.

Oliver and Feliciano went out of the room and went upstairs to Arthur's bedroom. Oliver sat down on the bed as the ghost figure of Arthur Appear by his side.

“what is it?” he asked.

Feliciano's tears changed into blood tears,streaming down his cheeks. He crossed his arms and grumbles.

“what....” said Oliver.

“Don't ever do that again if you do. My plan will ruin and i hate someone foil my plans. I know you are angry but you need to control that. I know you want to punish him but we need the patient,Alright.” said Feliciano.

Oliver's dark pink aura vanish as he calm down. His eyes turns normal with sad expression. He started to sniffing and cried. Reaching out for Feliciano. Feliciano opened his arms for him. Hugging the Brit as he cried.

“i don't know how long i can keep this up. I need to release my anger. My soul need to be free and kill and murder. I need to kill but this world....this reality. What is this becoming to.” said Oliver.

Feliciano patted his head as he sees Arthur hugged him from behind.

Meanwhile,behind the door Lovino heard everything. He is eavesdropping on their conversation. He grew very curious on Feliciano & Oliver.

[Lovino's POV]


What's going on? I need to be part of this you know,we are family and you are my responsibility.

Lovi.” said Flavio's voice.

I went to my bedroom and sat down on the chair as Flavio appeared on the bed.

“what is it?” I asked.

i know you want to know about Feliciano's situation but our main priority is Antonio and Andres,our boyfriends. They need support and attention now. And they are probably scare that they killed their friend.” said Flavio's voice.

“tch,you are right. They are scare. I don't want anything happens to my tomato. He is all I got,I'll attend to him. Don't worry.” I said.

but I have a bad feeling that he would be next,we need to keep an eye on him in case he try to do anything funny to himself.” said Flavio.

“right.” i said.

I heard a knock on the door and it opened by Kiku. Kiku inform me that Antonio is at that room. So I went over to Antonio and seeing him staring at the body of Francis on the hardwood floor.

Francis's skin. He is pale. He no longer to have color in his skin,his eyes has been drained away. No color in his eyes anymore. He is nothing but a lifeless body.

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