Chapter 13

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Luciano woke up,gasping,looking around the cell room.

"was that a dream?" he asked himself.

"good morning Luci-chan." said Feliciano's voice.

a ghost figure of Feliciano,stood by his bedside,smiling.

"good morning." said Feliciano's voice.

"G-Good morning,Feliciano." said Luciano.

"Flavio making breakfast and the 2p Nordics are fussing over who can watch peter while they are out killing the people setting up traps." said Feliciano's voice.

"you been eavesdropping on people." said Luciano.

"no..." said Feliciano as he roll his eyes.

"i taught you well." said Luciano.

Feliciano giggled.

"hey! come on and have breakfast killer!" shouted Loki from the stairs.

"coming freak." said Luciano as he got off the cell bed and went over to Loki.

both of them went upstairs to the kitchen,where Thurston & Egil is at breakfast table.

"where's the silent one and the smoking one." asked Luciano.

"Bernard and Markell are outside guarding the house since they are strong ones in the household." said Egil.

"true...and they have to leave us alone." said Thurston.

"that isn't nice." said loki.

"who cares." said Thurston.

"hey! behave at the table or i won't serve breakfast to you all." said Flavio's voice from the kitchen.

Luciano went over to the kitchen,seeing his smiling idiot brother cooking breakfast.

he looked up with a sparkling stars around him.

"Buongiorno! Fratello." said Flavio.

"good morning,how's Lovino." said Luciano.

flavio sighed and face luciano,his eyes turned into green.

"what is it? i was having a siesta." said Lovino.

luciano was going to speak but Feliciano took control and hugged him,as Luciano's eyes switched to feliciano.

feliciano now in control,then let go of Lovino.

feliciano giggled.

"siesta? you didn't sleep well last night?" asked feliciano.

"i did but something was strange last night,i kept hearing noises." said Lovino.

"stop taking control of my body!" screamed Luciano as is a ghost.

"....shush." said feliciano.

luciano look at him dumbfound.

did he just shush luciano vargas? the boss?!

"what's your making?" asked Feliciano.

"flavio was making the usual breakfast like a american version instead of Italian." said Lovino.

"may i help?" asked feliciano.

"sure,i don't care." said Lovino.

"what in the fu-" said Luciano's voice but felt a ghost hugging him from behind,and it is flavio.

"calm down moody pant." said Flavio's voice.


they had breakfast and flavio & luciano is back taking control,they left the Nordics home because they knew that Andres or Ludz will be freaking out or panicking.

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