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This week was the longest week of my life. I counted down the days until I could see Adam again. When Saturday finally arrived I jumped out of bed and immediately got ready. After having a quick breakfast and made sure I looked pretty decent but not over dressed I went out the door and started walking down the street to Adam's house. As I drew nearer his house I couldn't help but over hear his Dad talking loudly on the phone.
"Are you fucking kidding me! I will forbid you for being in that kind of relationship! And don't think you can be around Adam anymore cause those days are over." Mr. Young then hangs up the phone. He turns around and sees me staring at him through the window. He starts to walk to the door. He opens the door and greets me with a big smile. "Someone's good at hiding their emotions." I say inside my head.
"Well nice to see you again Troye. I'll tell Adam you're  here." He walks away and turns towards Adam's room I assumed. A few moments later he returns with a smiley Adam by his side.
"Nice to see you Troye." He says when he first sees me. "Nice to see you too."
Adam says goodbye to his dad and then we start to leave, but then he starts to turn to his backyard. I wanted to go after him but he came back as quick as he left. He pulls out a black bicycle that looks like the perfect size for him. "Sorry I could of told you to bring your bike."
"Don't worry about that. I can just go get it real quick. I'll be right back." I start to run as fast as I can to my house.
I've never been much of a runner but I was just eager to come back quickly to find out what we were doing. I then reach my house, get my bicycle and start to pedal quickly back to Adams house. I didn't want to keep him waiting that long.

I pull up into his drive way and he looks pretty surprised to see me already.
"Well that was fast." He tells me.
"I just didn't want to keep you waiting." I quickly respond.
"Well come on I have the perfect thing for us to do."
Adam starts pedaling and I follow him. I'm not sure what we're about to do and I kinda felt uneasy. But at the same time it felt right.
"Adam where are we going?"
"Just wait and see you'll love it."
After he said that I immediately trusted him. I felt safe around him.

We finally arrived at the woods not to far from the beach. Everything seemed beautiful.
"Let's go exploring. It will be fun."
At first I didn't know what I was getting into.
"C'mon Troye !"
I hear Adam call my name and  I run after him. This is another thing that I liked about him, he was adventurous. And I loved every minute of it.

After a good hour of hide and seek, hunting for squids, and cool conversations, we finally find a tree to climb and rest on.
The view looked perfect. This tree was perfect. This day was perfect. Even tho I just met Adam a week ago, I knew I wanted to be friends with him for a long time.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, I remember what I saw today about Adam's dad.
"Adam, why was your dad so mad today?"
"What do you mean ?" He asks
"Well, when I arrived at your house your dad was talking to someone on the phone and he didn't look very happy."

"Oh about that, he was just talking to my Uncle again." Ever since my Uncle introduced his partner to my dad, he doesn't let me see him anymore. I don't know why though."

"Oh I'm sorry Adam."
"It's okay Troye. I'm just glad I've got you now to hang out with. I get really bored now just sitting at home hearing  my mum and dad talk about my Uncle and his partner. That's one of the main reasons why we moved to Perth, to get away from my uncle. And I still don't know why."

After that conversation we decided that it was getting late, so we head home. I first go to Adam's house to say goodbye. When we arrive I prepare to say goodbye, which I wasn't looking forward to.
"Well I had fun again Adam. I just wanted to say that I can consider you one of my Bestfriends now."
"I feel the same way Troye. I'll see you tomorrow I have another day planned for us."
"That will be great! I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Adam."
"Goodbye Troye."
I give him one last look before I head home. When I arrive home I take a shower to wash the smell of squid off of me. I say goodnight to Mum and Dad and I end up laying in bed staring at the ceiling.
I can't stop thinking about what Adam said about his Uncle. Why would his Dad hate his partner? None of this makes sense. I decided to drop it and think about what tomorrow's going to be like.
Adam drives me Wild in a way I can't describe. He a risk taker. He's adventurous. He's my bestfriend.

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