t w e n t y - s i x

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Troye's POV

After spending the afternoon with Kayla I knew that I had to tell Adam. But I have to do it in a good way. In a way that maybe he wouldn't be that upset. I had called Adam this morning but he wouldn't answer. He's been taking longer shifts now that his dad is gone.

To pass time I began to attempt to edit one of my YouTube videos that I'm posting this week, but I keep waiting for him to call.


I wake up and I see that I have fallen asleep. So much for editing my video. I check my phone and see that I have several missed calls and almost all of them are from Adam. I practically jump up from my bed to call him back.

He answers on the first ring.


"Hey Adam it's me Troye."

"I have caller ID so that's what I figured." He says sarcastically with a laugh.

That little shit.

I just laugh along with him.

"Well love I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go ice skating with me. The weather is getting a lot cooler lately and I think it would be perfect timing to do this."

"Sounds amazing I'll have to meet you there. I get off of work at 6:00 so keep an eye out for me around 7:00 beautiful."

My heart doesn't skip a beat when Adam sweet talks me. He does much more than that. He makes my heart completely stop.

"Alright I'll see you later then."

"I love you Troye."

"Love you too."

I hang up feeling a type of feeling I can't explain. My body is filled with this warm feeling that Adam gives me. But another part of me feels terrible. Why did I have to lie to my beautiful blue eyed lover?


As time nearly approaches 7:00, I start heading to the ice rink. My palms begin to sweat and I can feel my throats getting dry. I'm not telling him right away when I get there. I want to have a good time before I spill the secrets I have kept from him. I want to use time wisely depending on how things go tonight. Who knows, maybe this could be my last date with Adam if he takes things horribly. But maybe he'll spare me the heartbreak since he already broken mine before.

Maybe just maybe.

I pull my car into the parking lot of the rink. It's a Thursday night so it shouldn't be that packed inside. From the view of my car I can already see Adam waiting inside. He's wearing one of my beanies that I had left at his house a while back. I don't mind though. He looks better in it then I ever will.

I make a slow approach to the door and I start to count to myself in my head. For some odd reason when I would feel stress or just anxious, I would count to 15 hoping that this would calm my nerves.

"Hello beautiful." Adam says while placing a kiss on my forehead. He's a good couple inches taller than me, so he can reach the top of my forehead with no problems.

"Hey babe." I smile while placing an off guard kiss on his lips. I can feel his face turn red against my skin.

"Shall we get going? I don't want that much people to take up all the space on the ice." Adam tells me urging to go get in line for skates.

"Sure lets go."

I lead Adam the way to the rink while reaching for his hand. He more than gladly accepts it and we walk while having each other locked together.

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